In the midst of paying off newlywed bills and putting myself on a shopping budget (haha?), I may have gone a little shopping crazy last month. Like, pretty crazy. For me.
I would say at least 10 packages have graced our doorstep in the past couple of weeks... which explains a lot about the balance on my credit card bill. Hmm.
However, I am considering all of my purchases justified because my Five-Year College Reunion is in a few weeks, and I feel extremely blah about the whole situation. As in - I feel like I ate my way through winter and look so pale and horrible. Please help me.
Well, I decided to return to my headless ways and take some outfit photos for the blog. However - I may still have some work to do finding "the perfect spot" in our apartment for outfit photos. Cause there's a coffee table peeking into some of the pics, and if you want to play "spot the double chin" you may have several minutes of entertainment here.
First up is the Jersey Tank Maxi Dress. This is NOT a tall size (everything else I ordered is), but it fits my semi-tall self perfectly. I really do not need another long, black wardrobe item, but it's just SOO soft and I feel like I'll wear the heck out of it.
And please don't judge, but I was suddenly struck by the need to mix it with another item in my order - the Mid-Tone Chambray shirt...
Don't laugh at me! I feel slightly foolish in it.. but I think it works. It's just so casual, you know? Never mind the 10 minutes it took me to get it to look just right. The shirt really needs washed to soften it up, I think.
The next item is the one that made me click and finally get an order in - the Eyelet Shift Dress. The extra inch or two of length in the tall is perfect on my thighs!

Next up is a skirt I got at an outlet mall in Ohio. It's a foldover black maxi skirt - which I bought even though my husband would roll his eyes at my needing another maxi skirt for my collection.
Don't mind my awkward styling. The top is the dark chambray shirt - same style as the mid-tone above. I believe I'm returning this one... I tend to gravitate towards darker denim, but I think the mid-tone is a bit more versatile.
Found any awesome clothes lately? Tell me where!
6 Classy Comments:
Love the eyelet dresses! However, I love the leopard wedges that you have on even more! Where did you find them?!
The coral eyelet dress is super-cute. I've found great bargains at Nordstrom Rack lately, like tops for $9 - $14 that had been $30 and $40.
I LOVE the chambray shirt with the dress. I kind of always pack one when we go on vacation to take any dress from a dress to a shirt/skirt combo! And I'm totally with you on the stripes. I want to hate it, but I don't - it's flattering and I think it'd be hot with your blond hair. Really like the blue dress too.
I LOVE that denim top... especially with the dress, but also the skirt. I say keep it! All of these look great!
I love the last dress a lot! The stripes look great one you! I love Maxi Dresses and Shirts too! I love the blue dress too!
I like them all! I like the coral eyelet over the black but only because the detail can't be seen as well on the black. I have tried to do the tied chambray shirt look and I just can't make it work. Oh well.
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