When I saw the prompt for today's Blog Every Day challenge, I turned to Mr. RH and asked what my three worst traits were.
He immediately responded that he couldn't possibly think of three things. Awww...
Except he said that I really just have one BIG terrible trait.
Whomp whomp.
It's something that is always at the back of my mind.
It's not something that I always think about, but it's always there.
Depending on the week, there's a different topic for every stage of life.
Work worries.
Money worries. (This is a huge one right now with the wedding, combining finances, moving into a new apartment.... and on and on and on.)
Health worries. (I think I do a good job keeping this one under control, but when someone *cough Mr. RH cough* refuses to go to a doctor for a strange ailment.... I lose my mind. Early detection and a second opinion is SO important to me.)
I should have asked Mr. RH for a list of my top worries. I think he would say money, our relationship, and everyone I love - including but not limited to random customers, my actual family and friends, and especially him.
So what's a girl to do?
Good question.
I actually got a prescription for anxiety medication over a month ago.... I haven't taken a single pill. I just don't feel like I have worries that are "bad enough" for medication.
I know I'm not the only one who struggles with worry. Right?

10 Classy Comments:
I worry constantly. Sometimes they are legitimate, lots of times they are absolutely ridiculous. It's not just you :)
Girl...I hear you. I worry all the time too, especially now that I have a baby. I don't blame you one second for worrying about your health and the health of your loved ones, especially after you lost your sweet mom. Take a deep breath, do something for yourself, and don't freak out about taking one of those pills if you need to.
I think women are natural worriers, much more so than men. For my husband to really fret about something, I know it is a pretty serious issue. But anytime I am "worried" about something, it usually isn't that big of a deal. Sigh.
Don't worry about taking the medication. I took lorazepam when I first moved away from home because I was such a wreck. I was only on it for a few months, and I think it really helped. Just don't go cold turkey OFF of it when you're done - I was dizzy for about 6 weeks! I didn't realize you are supposed to slowly decrease the dosage. xo
I think women are natural worriers, much more so than men. For my husband to really fret about something, I know it is a pretty serious issue. But anytime I am "worried" about something, it usually isn't that big of a deal. Sigh.
Don't worry about taking the medication. I took lorazepam when I first moved away from home because I was such a wreck. I was only on it for a few months, and I think it really helped. Just don't go cold turkey OFF of it when you're done - I was dizzy for about 6 weeks! I didn't realize you are supposed to slowly decrease the dosage. xo
Oh my goodness, you're not alone. I only recently, (probably as a resulf of Mom being sick and life in general) have had high blood pressure. Never an issue in my life but now it is and is brought on by worry/anxiety. Doc gave me a script for some meds too, but I never filled it. I want to try and work it out on my own. But worry can be very exhausting both mentally and physically. Hope some things start to ease up for you as time goes on.
It's a hard one to control, but anxiety can really over take you; perhaps you should try the script for awhile and see how different things are for you. Then you'll be able to compare how your are off and on the medication. I encourage people who have anxiety issues to not ignore them; they don't go away typically by themselves. We all have worries, but anxiety is a different situation. Best of luck to you.
Practical Perfect in Every Way, Not
thank you for this honest post! i've also dealt with this and once it's under control life is a lot happier :) best of luck! as a recent college grad, love your blog! new follower :)
Getting on anti anxiety meds was the best thing I have ever done. I am a HUGE worrier. You name it, I worry about it. Anxiety is my middle name. It took so much energy and was exhausting to not only me, but those around me. My poor husband! My doc was super supportive and made me feel so much better when I was telling her how I was doing everything that "they" say to do - eating healthy, exercise, breathing/relaxation stuff. She just kind of said, "yeah, yeah, that stuff is great and all, but sometimes you need a little extra help and there is nothing wrong with that." I only wish I didn't resist the meds for so long. Good luck!
thinking your worries aren't "enough" for meds will only make you worry more i think! take them, see if they make you feel better...it's not like you've got to be on them forever, and they might make the insanity of the next few months a little easier!
I have written about it many times over and over- I worry ALL. THE. TIME. My worrier tendencies were out the roof crazy when I had Andrew. You're not alone. And if you ever want someone to talk to, you know where to find me!!!
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