Maybe if I got a teenage fiction novel about wedding planning? Put it on the to-do list.
Green Heart by Alice Hoffman is a short trilogy in the Hunger Games-type style. It was good and I read them in just a couple days.

I've always been a huge Sophie Kinsella fan (Shopaholic books, anyone?) and I've Got Your Number is exactly what you'd expect. I really enjoyed this one - even with the predictable ending. And, bonus!, the main character in this book is engaged. So, lots of wedding-planning advice there. (Spoiler: not really).
When I heard Andy Cohen was penning a memoir of his life, I know it will surprise you all that I was first in line. (Not really, but I love me a good Housewife reunion.) So, I was excited when Mr. RH snagged me a copy to devour.
And I did totally devour Most Talkative - it's a great look at Andy's life and how he worked his way to Bravo-super-stardom. And I like him 200% more now than I did before, which is saying something. His life ain't all weave-pulling and Housewives!
See You at Harry's by Jo Knowles was, I'm not even gonna lie, a pretty sad book. The book itself was good, but the content matter was actually a little heartbreaking.
I totally enjoyed it in the moment (when I wasn't crying)... but needless to say - it should come with a warning and a box of tissues.
Are you reading anything good lately? And is it just me or is fall THE perfect time for book-reading? Somebody get me a mug of warm cider, mmmm.
2 Classy Comments:
I can't wait to pick up that Sophie Kinsella one, I love her writing. I read the Shopaholic ones and loved it...
Thanks for the tips!
Fall is definitely an awesome time for reading -- and I start transitioning away from my beloved chick lit and picking up "heavier" books, like classics.
I have sort of a love/hate relationship with Sophie Kinsella (love her, hate the Madeleine Wickham books), but she is definitely good when you want a quick, entertaining read!
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