So last night I was out gallivanting out in central Indiana for several hours. Ran a bunch of errands and ended up in downtown Indy.
Fast forward 4 hours until 9 pm.
BFF calls and warns of imminent Bad Storms and how you Shouldn't Drive In Them.
Dad calls and does the same thing.
Texts from 2 other sweet ladies.. "don't drive home!"
And I watch 34 seconds of the weather and decide I have PLENTY of time to get home.
I'm about at the point in my drive where one might remark that, "hey, Indiana is all corn fields all the time. Wide open spaces and nothing for miles."
Cue tornado siren.
Umm.... well.
So what does dumb 24-year-old do?
Calls her daddy, duh.
"Ohmigosh I'm at such-and-such location and the sirens are going off and do you think I should get out of my car and go lay in a ditch now?!"
At this point, it isn't even raining. Or storming.
At this point I'm panicked because of the damn siren. For a lot of my life there were no sirens anywhere I lived and I have survived many major tornadoes... but those sirens are scary. All I could hear was "IMMINENT DEATH."
A more thorough evaluation of my surroundings probably would have cued me in to the non-imminent-danger. Or not. Haven't you ever heard of the calm before the storm?! IT EXISTS!
Luckily a McDonalds gas station appeared like a mirage from my dreams.
I pulled over and ran inside.
Nevermind the fact that half the employees and all the customers are actually sitting out front staring at the sky.
The place was crawling with 30 Future Farmers of America. Acting approximately how you might expect high schoolers to act.
(Wait, does not everyone have experience with the Future Farmers of America? Haha, oh Indiana.)
Long story short, the weather missed where I was but if I had kept driving I would have gone right through the path of some verrry nasty wind.
Longer story also shorter, when you are 24 and live with your daddy and call him in the "middle of the night" to panic, he will probably lose 10 years off his life. I probably owe him an iPad now?
And also, I'm grounded.
Self-imposed, but I totally deserve it.If you need to get ahold of me I will be covertly sneaking onto AIM at 11 pm after my parents fall asleep. Oh wait, that was 10 years ago.
Thank you Miss Daisy for getting me home safely. xoxoxo.Hope you are all safe and sound out there in the big wide world. Don't be stupid (like me)! xo
1 year ago
17 Classy Comments:
We had Future Farmers of America!!! In maybe a Midwest thing. We also had Farmerball which was the Future Farmers Basketball team. Which had more players than my school's actual basketball team. Oh, Future Farmers.
I'm familiar with the FFA, and I'm in North Carolina. Very familiar. So much so that there is a day in the fall, at my old high school, set aside for "Ag Day." And everyone in any of the Agriculture classes (which include welding) get the entire day to hang out in their department. And have literal wheel-barrow racing contests, as well as hay bale tossing contests. Oh, the South! :)
Don't worry, us Oklahomans know what FFA and tornadoes are! I'm glad you were able to stop at a McDonald's and wait it out for a bit.
Too funny-when I was younger I used to sneak onto AIM while I was home and my parents were still at work. The trick was when you logged off to highlight someone else's sn so that if they opened the log in, yours wouldn't be highlighted (and therefore you'd be in trouble).
Ohhhhh those early teenage years...
Of course this would happen to you! Seems like something I would do too. Those sirens freak me out! Glad to hear you are safe.
Haha, I do the same thing. Plus, when the sirens sound, we all run out and try to get a glimpse of the 'nader before we take cover :)
Glad you're safe!
My BIL is big into FFA in Kentucky...we had it at our high school, too!
And I sooo remember the days of AIM! :) Fond memories...
As a North Carolinian, I've had my fair share of experiences with the FFA, torandoes...anddd calling my daddy in self-imposed emergencies. Whoops! Glad you made it home ok!
That sounds intense and scary!!!
I would have definitely called my dad too... and I am 25.... so I don't judge!
Have a nice day,
xo C.
I'm so happy you made it home safely, Indiana weather in the spring can be very scary!!!
So glad you're safe! I kept seeing your posts on twitter during all of this!! Crazy girl! XX
Do you reference the FFA as the Future Farmers of America always or do you ever just call it the FFA? Maybe I'm just so small-town that everyone knows what FFA means...
We ended up in our basement for about 10 minutes. Further south and east and we'd have been in trouble.
so true on this post girl- just came across your blog :) i really like it! xo
wow you have so nice blog! i liked! Visit in my blog:
my dad blames his hair loss on having all girls. oh well..
Aww, that is scary! I would be freaking out if I actually did have to do those precautions the weather ppl tell you to do. (the whole roll in a ditch thing!)
Hahaaha this was a great story Sarah!! So glad you're ok, though! <3
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