We interrupt this whiny monologue about my life for greener pastures. Like a cute new blog design and CLOTHES.
A month or so ago I was perusing my Google Reader when I came across a post from the adorable Miss Sweet Simplicity.
A month or so ago she posted about her new design, which she did herself.
So I left her a comment saying "OMG, love your blog design! You are super talented! Open your design business - I'll be your first customer. Not even kidding!"
And she left me a comment saying "Heh thanks creepy fangirl... your blog is cute too!*"
But then a few days ago she sent me an e-mail and asked if I was up for it - so I jumped at the chance. Yes, I have blog ADD.
So she sent me a list of questions that would help her pick out a design.
Colors? I like pink. And gray. I like other colors too. But not poop brown - I hate that color.
Fonts? You know, I like swirly fonts. But not too swirly.
Dislikes? Green, things that are not classy or fabulous.
Ideas? You know, something classy. And fabulous.
That's basically what I sent her. It's a miracle she had any ideas at all! What can I say - clearly I'm difficult.
So if you can't remember my old look, it was this:

Tell Lindsey how amazing the new layout looks. You know you want to!

*Liberties may have been taken with Lindsey's replies.
So last night I found out that Forever21 has a free shipping offer and an offer for 10% off your order with the code "HOLIDAY" so I decdied I needed some new stuff. $100 later I have a cart full of cute stuff!
But I always see other bloggers with these amazing, fun F21 finds so I'm asking you - have you found anything cute at F21 lately? Seriously, I wanna know! My wardrobe needs spicing and I am counting on you to find me something cute! I picked out a top last night and tweeted about it and everybody hated it.
So comment to me with your favorite F21 pick right now. I'll order it and totally give you credit!
Here's what's in my cart so far:
Cable Sweater Tunic, $27.80

V-Necked Striped Cardigan, $14.50. I ordered something similar on Black Friday but I think I want to size up so I can wear it with leggings.

Crochet Sweater Tunic, $24.80. In case the first tunic I picked out is ugly or doesn't fit.

Katy Knit Tunic, $19.80. I just liked the color and the flowers on the bust of this. They don't have a small, which is what I usually order in a tank... I'm still on the fence. Plus I'm not a huge fan of tops with banded bottoms. This one might not get ordered after all... but I need a few cute tanks as layering tops. Suggestions??

Fab Cheetah Skinny Belt, $2.50. Seriously can't wait to wear this.

Tell me how good I look (my blog, I mean) (if you feel like it).
And then tell me what to buy. I'm feeling style-istically challenged.
Happy Th

29 Classy Comments:
WOW. This is gorgeous!! Very nice job!
Really nice design.. LOVE it! Oh, and get ALL the clothes LOL
It looks great, I love it!
I love your new blog look! I like everything you picked out. I like the banded pinkish tanktop. Go for it!
I love my responses. ha! I love anything with stripes so I say definitely buy the cardi and that belt! I want that belt!
I love the new design! The F21 stuff is super cute-I love the sweater dresses.
Love the new design--it looks great!!
It looks so good!! She did a great job!
It looks AMAZING! Congrats on such a fab facelift!
love it!
Love the blog design and the leopard skinny belt! :)
I'm heading over to F21 on my lunch break today - may report on my finds. :)
The blog looks great!
I am LOVING capital letters LOVING the blog design. This is so something I would have picked out for myself!!!! Love it!
And boo, I didn't find anything that jumped out at me on F21. I so wanted that windbreaker skirt that FloridaBrides (Just Dandy) has. Boo:(
Cute new look!
I usually buy clothes from F21, but I do snag accessories there on a regular basis. I love that they are so cheap, so it doesn't matter that I only wear them a time or two.
2.50- thought i read it wrong!
I love F21, but their clothes don't fit my fluffy shape very well. One of these days!
Anyway, I kind of like the pink tunic with the flowers. You could definitely pull it off.
LOVE the new look!
And now I have to have that cheetah belt, too.
Love the new look. Very classy. ;)
LOVE the new design! Looks great!
I love your blog design, I've followed Lindsey for a few months now, but didn't realize she did her own blog design. That's awesome. You blog is really cool, I don't have any fashion or classy and fabulous blogs on my blogroll yet.
I love it!!! Was it expensive to do?
Love the new look - I think my header uses the same font! I just changed it last night :) Thinking of giving my blog a professional makeover though, it's so plain compared to everyone else's. Love the cheetah belt as well!
A+++ Very pretty!!!
Looks fabulous Sarah!!
love the new layout!! Definitely classy and fab!! clothing items are fab, too!
Love the new header and the sweater tunics!
I love the new blog design! Cute! :)
Loving the new redesign - it's so you!
Okay obviously I've been living under a ROCK for the past 2 weeks and didn't see your new design - doh! (And I really should be sleeping right now but that's besides the point). Anywho, I LOVE IT. It's adorable and so you!!!!!
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