Hey again, Sarah here. I know, long time no blog. I am just having my brains sucked dry by school - here's to hoping this stops REAL soon. Or April. Whichever comes first, I guess.
Anyways, so while I've been not posting and not sleeping and not studying, I haven't really accomplished much on the 'finishing up the apartment' front. I promise it will get finished some day. Just not today or tomorrow - that I'm sure of.
Before I left for school, my friend Emily texted me. The conversation went like this, word for word:
Emily: Hey! You have any plans tonight?
Me: Not that I know of yet...
Emily: Want to go to the NRA banquet with me and the fam tonight at 530? lol!!
Me: What exactly would that entail?? I've never been!!
Emily: Dinner and listening to yayhoos - haha it gets pretty funny
Me: Oh ok well you talked me into it... what should I wear?
Emily: Haha yay!! It's very casual... as in jeans and jean shirts. Haha and I guess we aren't leaving until 6...
Emily: Definitely a unique experience
Me: Sounds fun - I'll come ready for a good time.
Emily: Fabulous :-)
And that's how I ended up at the Friends of the NRA Banquet. And I wouldn't be a good blogger unless I took some photos.
This is the opening speech about how we should all donate and support gun freedom or something like that. This is the lovely NRA blanket - a beauty, right? I think it would really look at home in my new apartment... I'm just sayin...
This... well, let's just say that there are no words. The shoes, the tattoo, the purse. I believe the 'love' is referring to the love of camo. No, I don't understand, actually...
And finally, this is Emily and I posing with the bronze buck statue our table-mate purchased. So nice of her to let us pose with it...
That, my friends, is what a night at the NRA banquet looks like. Weird, right? Not sure I'd ever go again, but it sure made for a unique experience. If that's what you'd call it...
1 year ago
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