Well, hi, I'm back. From where, you ask? Vacation. Ahh yes - this is why my blog has gone to hell in a handbasket. Fear not, internets, I am back.
You may wonder where the title of this post came from? Get your _____ on? Huh? Well let's just say that I showed my cousins The Landlord video in which Pearl requests that she wants to "get her drink on" and the rest is history. For the rest of vacation, every single one of us turned a simple phrase into gettting your "whatever" on. Drink, tan, swim, laundry, shower - you name it, we made it into an annoying catch phrase. Moving on...
So I present to you (in at least 2 giant chunks): Family Vacation, Photo Style
On the way to Michigan, my dad, brother, and I traveled with my grandpa and 2 cousins, who had flown in from Texas. Since my grandpa is recovering from prostate surgery, we had to make many pit stops along the way. Alex and I snapped this picture at one such stop. This is the only photo of my brother on the entire trip that he is not scowling or outright annoying in. True, he's sleeping, but it's his best pic of the trip. (Have I mentioned that he can be a pill sometimes?)
Welcome to South Haven, MI, home of our Vacay 2008. It's really a great town and has some spectacular beaches.
This is my attempt at a sunset picture on our first night. It never really got any better as far as sunsets, a bit disappointing.
Another attempt at sunset photography - failed.
On our first night, we also found this cute pink little guy, which must've been left by a family with much smaller children than our family has. This guy became quite the family icon. The pink scooter stars in a later story line, trust me - it's a good one.
Day 2, Sunday, was the best day at the beach. The lake was flat and warm and we had tons of fun. Little did we know that the water would soon become choppy and much colder - for the rest of the trip.
These are Rob and Den, two of my cousins. They dug this hole for hours - seriously, hours. It was quite the undertaking. Thank god the garage had a shovel, or else they'd still be there - digging.
Me and my brother, on a rock. Note the scowel.
I took this pic of Alex through a rock - isn't it adorable? I think I'll have to send it to her mom framed as a Christmas gift.
My bro, Rob, and Den - standing in their dang hole.
Rob, attempting to swim in said hole.
Later that night, after dinner, we even had to come check on the hole.
The next day was another beach day. On this day, we found the second pair of abandoned sunglasses - which actually turned out to be glasses with attached shades. We dubbed these glasses the "rectacles" - which I'm not really sure the definition of. Anyways, these puppies magnified everything about a million times. Note the largeness of Alex's eyes!!! Hahahaha...
Then we found a beer can on the beach, which provided a fantastic photo opportunity. We sent this to my uncle who had to work all week.
Remember when I built the hillbilly golf game? Well it more than paid for its parts on this vacation - we used it a ton. I could post more pics, but that would be boring. The game goes like this: each rung of the 'ladder' is worth different numbers of points (1, 2, and 3) - score by wrapping your balls around the rung - the first to 21 without going over wins. Much fun was had by all. This pic of of my dad and aunt Becks.
This photo shows my dad and cousin Den and their unbridaled joy during a hillbilly golf game.
This is a photo of my cousin Kate and I - she finally arrived on Tuesday (Day 4) after having to take a summer school final. Ick. Anyways, we were joyfully reunited and sat in our loft bedroom from that night on blogging, facebooking, and the like. We love each other.
Are you sick of the family photos yet? Good! More to come soon!
Happy Monday!!
1 year ago
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