Friday, March 21, 2014

#SBwed: Month 6

As I started to write this post, I was struck with a lot of anxiety.  How is it possible that we have survived half a year of marriage?

Honestly, I have no clue. The past six months have absolutely flown. 

  • Introduced my husband to Orange Leaf.  I think I've been there 2-3 times in a year.... and I have a feeling that we're going to become regulars now.  (Don't worry, I signed us up for the rewards program.)  
  • We've suddenly reached this groove where we can tell when the other person needs a little more attention and can ward off major fights before they happen.  
  • In almost every monthly post, I've mentioned epic fighting.  This month has been MUCH better.  Now sure if we've just run out of things to argue about or if we've just learned to agree to disagree.  
  • Filed our first married taxes.  Felt really old and grown up.
  • Planned some vacations with family for this summer... now I've got my eye on some sort of anniversary trip this fall.
  • Almost all my wedding pics posted to the blog!!  I had a post ready to go on Wednesday - aaand I was maybe too lazy to get it finished.  This week kicked my tush!

  • $1k in car repairs. 
  •  Never-ending winter.  Contributing to the above car repairs.  Stupid stupid winter, motherf#$%cker.
  • Not enough date nights.  We've been all over the place this month and haven't made much time to date each other.  Luckily, I'm really excited to see Divergent next week, so I can overlook it for now.  
  • "Newlywedded bliss" is going too quickly!!  Only six more months of being newlyweds... :(

3 Classy Comments:

Annie said...

Agreeing to disagree is the hardest concept ever for me. Kevin is good at it. I'm not. I need to recognize!

Anonymous said...

They say the first year of marriage is the hardest. You're halfway home!

Jessica @ Wanting Adventure said...

Sounds like you guys are doing well. It's so much fun to be a newlywed! Enjoy!

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