Friends, it has been far too long (a week!) since I posted anything worth anything around here. What's going on? Spring fever, mostly.
Most of my free time has been spent either gardening (who am I?) or cleaning out my closet (again, who am I?) or cooking. Not baking, cooking. Real foods, not carbs.
It's very weird.
For example, zucchini pizza:I know, right?? Looks a wee bit different from my favorite meal combo butter + carbs.
To summarize: I haven't eaten much sugar and or hardly any carbs in over 2 weeks.
And also, my period came a week early just to piss me off.
If you see me in a dark alley, run.
(And I promise I shall post like a regular blogger this week. Maybe.)
1 year ago
11 Classy Comments:
That zucchini pizza looks soooo good!!!!! :)
I'm definitely lovin' the look of that zucchini pizza! My sister and I have discussed taking on a "less carbs" rule around our house, but I'm not sure I could do it. I just love bread... so, so, so much...
zucchini pizza?!?!?! I need to make this.
That actually looks pretty good ... are you feeling any better? I sure hope so!
Gardening, cleaning, healthy cooking - you're like Martha Stewart! I can't imagine lack of carbs makes one very happy so I say you're fully entitled to whatever dark alley activities you need. :) I know I'd be an unhappy camper without them!
The pizza looks really yummy. I'm also working on cleaning out my closet and it's not fun.
UM, that is a great idea!! I am going to have to try this...
Is your diet change making you cranky? I went off of soda when I found out I was pregnant. If I hadn't been so excited about having a baby, I'd have been a BEAR!
That's amazing that you've changed your diet so hardcore for 2 weeks. I know that if I want to lose any weight, I need to give up carbs and sugar --- but it's just SO hard!!! I'm impressed girl!
Woman what is the recipe for that?!?! I NEED IT!
that really looks YUMMY!!!!
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