Last week, there were a ton of great sales online. Naturally, I jumped on that train like white on rice.
I got a TON of new stuff for work - all kinds of black tops that can be dressed up, down, and sideways. It was perfect.
Then, last Friday, I found out that our work dress code is changing. To NOT include black.
Hahahahahahahaha not funny.
So now I have four huge boxes from different retailers that need returned.
Not that I'm any stranger to returning stuff... but this stuff was good! Cute! Reasonably priced (read: cheap!).
But no worries, I ordered plenty of unnecessary stuff from Forever21 so let's talk about that, shall we?
First up, this leopard print top. It's kinda hard to tell from the way I'm standing, but this top is hella unflattering. It's has what I believe may be called a slight dolman sleeve... but mostly, it just makes me look like a hunchback.Next up, Double Disc Drop Earrings. I love these but they're huuge. Might cut off that bottom part to make them much smaller.
Gold Leaf Earrings. I picture this in some breezy Jennifer-Aniston-type outfit. Why? No idea.
Next up, the Metallic Flower Stretch Bracelet. I love it so much. It looks much more expensive than it was. Swooon.
These are a departure from what I might normally wear in jewelry... but it was fun so I had to go there. Stretch bow bracelet and bow rings (in two colors). No, I won't normally wear both rings and the bracelet on the same hand. But maybe I will.
I used my fav program, MS Paint, on this next pic to help you see the issue here. You see, this dress.... was constructed poorly. On a hill, perhaps. Either way, it's totally jacked up and not straight AT ALL. Return, pronto. (And yes, I know the length of this dress is probably ugly but Sarah likes to cover herself up and it seemed like a good idea at the time. I was drunk. Or not.)
Next up, Under the Sea necklace. I was hoping for a little more, but it's still cute. Either way, I'm stuck with it per the F21 jewelry return policy. As in, you can't return jewelry.
I need your help with this next one. I want to love the Strapless Knit Dress. It was less than $14 and it's just so easy... but. Does anybody want an easy strapless dress? Wouldn't you (and by you I mean me) prefer something with straps. It's got these weird fake boobs built in (see pic above for illustration). I dunno. I want to love... but really. Strapless? Ugh.
I thought this next dress was going to be the smash hit of the lot. Belted Jersey Knit Dress. It's ok. It's very orange (scary!). Eh, what do you think? And last but not least, I really need your help here. Wild Printed Woven Dress. I love love am completely obsessed with this print. It's bright and fun but overall not too crazy. So - is it too short? Or am I just the most prude-ish person who shops at Forever21?
I make it a policy to NEVER show that much thigh, ever, except in a swimsuit... but I don't know. You be the jury. Short or too short?That's all for today my lovelies... I'm too busy repacking all my black clothing orders into boxes and shipping them back.
Have a fabulous Tuesday!
1 year ago
15 Classy Comments:
I like the orange, like the short one and I love the under the sea necklace. Cute choices!
Great dresses. My favorite is the black strapless.
Isn’t it amazing how great everything looks online on the models? Then you open your box and think that they must of sent you the wrong thing because it looked so much better online. I love the Wild Printed Woven Dress! It is too cute! I also like the orange dress and the jewelry! If you cut the bottoms off of those one earrings you could always make the bottoms in to a necklace if you wanted.
I think the last dress is adorable but I agree that it may be too short. (At least if it were me wearing it I would think so). Maybe you can wear it with leggings and boots? Or tights and heels might also help with the shortness.
Where do you work that you can't wear black? Dresses are really cute!
Ok, I LOVE that last dress, but, as a fellow member of not showing too much thigh club, I think it's cute on you! But, if you were concerned about the length, I think it would be super cute with some leggings or tights.
I have this sickness too!! I love buying from FOREVER 21.... I think I should be part to how much I have spent there!!! ;)
Love the last dress!! If you feel uncomfortable with this dress... pull on some leggings! That always does the trick! I hate that about FOREVER 21 dresses... the lengths are sometimes crazy!!
I'm all about bows lately, so I love your new jewels! I personally think you are rocking the orange dress - not scary at all!
I love all the jewelery, especially the leaf earrings. I'm not sure how I feel about the black strapless dress, but I love both the orange and the flower dresses. I don't think the flower dress is too short!
That under the sea necklace is the best one, imho. I love it!
I absolutely love all the jewelry. Especially the necklace.
As for the last dress, I don't think it shows too much thigh. In fact, I think you wonderful in it. I vote keep it!
think you LOOK wonderful in it...oops!
That accessories are amazing. Really! ;)
My online shopping weakness is Amazon. I should really start re-selling my books on there...
Love the orange dress! You are nit a prude- I think the woven one is def too short.
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