Monday, September 27, 2010

The Classy Bookshelf: I Will Carry You

A while back, I was absolutely thrilled to pick up a copy of the book I Will Carry You by blogger Angie Smith.

I have been reading her widely-read blog for about two years now and was excited to read her inspiring story about her sweet girl Audrey Caroline.

For those of you who don't know the story, Angie was told at 18 weeks that Audrey had conditions that would make her "incompatible with life" beyond the womb. From there, Angie and her husband made the choice to carry Audrey to term and celebrate the short life that they had with her.

Angie's sharing of Audrey's life is interspersed with stories of faith and joy. Despite the fact that this book should be quite sad - it's not. It's full of hope.

This book was such a fast read for me. I read it in one day. Angie's faith in God's goodness was inspiring. As someone who struggles to have faith in the best of circumstances, this book was inspiring.

I know this isn't my "normal" type of book by a long shot - meaning it doesn't have a pink cover or a drink with an umbrella on the front - but I highly recommend it.

1 Classy Comments:

Mindy said...

I really want to read this too!!!

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