Today, I was pretty positive I was going to bore you with pictures from our exciting family reunion.
But the thing is, it wasn't all that exciting.
But here's what I've been thinking about.
At what point am I going to grow up and stop traveling like a 14 year old girl?
I was asked multiple times on this trip if I needed luggage - but I don't. I have a sassy red set.
So when in the heck am I going to stop packing like a girl heading over to a sleepover?
It's a good question.
Do you pack your bags properly or do you too have 15 year old girl syndrome?

26 Classy Comments:
I do both. I have great red luggage that i got as a college grad present (I didn't know at the time how thankful for that I would be) and I'll take that to Cali with me in 19 days. But if I'm just going away for a weekend I usually pack up every tote bag I have and look like the crazy bag lady instead of using the overnight suitcase that came with my luggage.
HA! HA! Great post, I don't think I will ever grow up! When we are traveling locally like up to Lake Geneva, def. packing my LV keepall and VB totes!
However, I don't use any of my luggage from when I was young, back then I had an awesome LeSportSac duffle bag that is long gone along with LLBean totes and duffle bags that are also long gone!
I'm a suitecase girl. I bought myself a nice set of DVF luggage and I adore it. It's hot pink and white. I do have the tote that matches my set and if I'm just going on an overnight trip that's what I'll take...anything longer and I at least take my carryon size zuit case :)
I am totally the 15 year old girl still. I've been known to pack a laundry hamper when we head to my in-laws for a few days. But usually, it's just a couple of VB bags! :-)
Way to rock the flip flop tan, sista! And I do the same thing! I'm leaving for my brother in law's wedding tomorrow and have packed all my clothing into my nice white tote bag that I take to the gym sometimes. Not an actual grown up "carry on" bag, nope, a tote bag. Hmph.
Sadly, I only use luggage if we're going somewhere for an extended period of time. When we flew to Boston a couple years ago, I packed us all in two bags. Yes, a family of four got packed into two LL Bean duffle bags (that belong to my children).
When we go out of town, I have a huge canvas bag from LL Bean that I pack in.
I'm so the 15 year old girl! I think it's how I keep my sanity.
This is so funny! I definitely use luggage because I pack SOOOOO much! I have severe packing anxiety and can't ever seem to pack light. I totally envy you!
Nice flip-flop tan! I have the same one!
Nice tan!
I only use a tote when I can fit everything I need into it. Like, for a casual weekend. Otherwise I do use luggage, but I'm a long way from 15...
I don't own a small suitcase. I have one that would fit two midgets, but nothing practical. I still throw all of my crap in a Vera too!
I love my Vera Bradley tote bags!! Usually when I'm going on a weekend trip I pack like a 15 year old girl, but if I'm going anywhere longer than 2 or 3 days I try to take a suitcase. It makes me feel grown up when I can carry around my nifty suitcase! hahaha
As someone way older than you, don't rush the old. You are young and adorable, even with your tiny duffles!
If I'm not's 15yo girl syndrome for sure! Even on the train :)
For weekend trips it's duffle bags and totes all the way! Although I am getting out of my vera phase and trying to sell it all.
If I'm not flying, I definitely bring out my inner 15 yo self and stuff my tote bags full ... it's just easier that way - though I do hate myself once I get there because I can't ever find anything :)
My husband got me ginormous Coach overnight bag for Christmas. I pack it, but badly, so I always am also toting a high school Vera Bradley bag (very much like yours) filled with just like accessories, hair gel, and other random crap that wouldn't fit in the grown up tote. My luggage is only for plane rides (and I'm not sure why....)
My parent's bought be luggage as an 18th bday present. At the time, I was nonplussed. Now, I can't imagine life without it.
haha you are are so funny! and I loved the flip-flop tan!!! great stuff right there.
ha..ha..I have 15 year old syndrome too! I never pack in "luggage"! Maybe if I had a nice Louis Vuitton set I would pack like a big girl :P
I definitely have some VB bags that need to be retired. Came across your cute blog randomly! So glad to find more twenty-somethings in the blog world among so many (yet fabulous) mommy blogs! I'm fairly new to the blog world and would love a follow! : )
I wish I could back you up on this one, but I travel with real luggage. Even if I don't need an actual suitcase, I have a very nice over-the-should carry-on. BUT, I wouldn't beat yourself up over it!
I occassionally pack my things in a duffel bag with my HS Cheer logo on it, so yeah I still pack like a 15 year old girl.
I occassionally pack my things in a duffel bag with my HS Cheer logo on it, so yeah I still pack like a 15 year old girl.
I am the WORST when it comes to that. I have one grown up DVF tote...but I'm really thinking that I need to graduate to a Le Pliage and travel like an adult. HA!
Um...I'm 27 and I want a Vera tote for traveling! Is that terrible? I've wanted one for ages. Maybe I should grow up to a more mature brand. I have a small piece of luggage that I take on road trips, and a cotton tote that my little sister made for me when I was in college. I use that for overnighters too (the fun and flirty kind....).
Totally sweet post. I know I pack like an adult, but I'd love to pack like a teenager and just let go. Personally, I hate packing. I love taking trips, but the packing not so much. If I was mega loaded, I would never pack.
p.s. your blog is so much fun to read.
Rambles with Reese
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