Remember my ant invasion?
What I may or may not have remembered to post is that there were ants crawling on my dresser. Under my dishwasher. In my back porch. Out my front door.
And on and on and on.
And friends, have I got a product for you!

It's been maybe 4 days (probably less but omg it feels like forever) and the ants are gone. There are maybe like half a dozen left in my house, and they are doing a drunken walk of shame from eating poison.
And the best part? This ant killer stuff is very safe. Made out of borax. Easy peasy.
But the best part is that I'm ant free just a couple of days later. Bliss!
In unrelated news, this Monday through Friday I am test-driving my new job for a few days... which means I have no long commute!
No more sitting behind this bad boy being pissed off!
Thankfully, I can use all my extra free time to get excited about seeing Eclipse at midnight TOMORROW. Zomg so soon!
Time to break out my awesome homemade t-shirts!
Who's excited for Eclipse??

13 Classy Comments:
I'm excited! I think we are going to see it on Thursday!
New job? Will you still be working at the same store?
I am PUMPED for Eclipse!!
I love the shirts!! I'm not going to be able to see it until after I get back from vacay. So sad.
I cannot WAIT for Eclipse!
But I think I would love it more if I were wearing an awesome t-shirt like yours. :) haha
Terro is AMAZING! I love it too! Whenever we do it seems like we get more ants initially, but within a day or two those babies are gone! Glad you will be ant-free now! Have a great day xoxo
Oh my gosh! I am dealing with an ant problem right now... we got rid of them for a few weeks but they came back last night! Thanks for recommending that product...I'm going to go get it ASAP!
I am super excited too... but my girlfriends and I are going later after all the crazy teens and psycho moms have already seen it! :)
I am so excited too! I'm going at midnight with a bunch of my friends, this ones supposed to be the best yet!
oh i heart your t-shirt big time. my friend C gave me a present ... it said "i heart vampires team edward" on it for us to wear to the movies. such twi-dorks.
Ant killer? I might need it! I hate ants. Does that stuff kill roaches too ?
Wow, you did an awesome job on those shirts! They look professional!
I still haven't seen Eclipse! I am going to die!!!!! ahhhh!!!! I love those shirts and I need a "Team Edward" shirt so bad! I want to get one for Connor that says "Future Edward Cullen" LOL!
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