- I would like to say for the record that I have a man-cold, which makes it almost impossible to do anything. I spent all weekend screeching at work and it was not pleasant.
- Speaking of man-colds.... I think I have maxed out every cold med dosage available, which was evident in the way I totally missed a million details at work last night. I need a redo (minus the cold).
- I made fruit pizza for Mr. RH last week and it was delicious. Neither of us had ever had it before!

- I've been on a crafting kick lately... and yet I haven't finished a single thing. I hate this about myself but I can't seem to quit starting projects.
- Mr. RH has just over 24 hours of school left for the semester and I think I'm more excited about it ending than he is.
- I'm a reading fool lately... I just can't get enough. It turns out the Kindle Fire might go down in history as the best gift I've ever received.... well played, Mr. RH.
- If I toss and turn one more night with this man cold, I'm getting sinus surgery a la Alexis Bellino (RHOC). Actually, I've been thinking about it for a while but I think I seriously need to look into it. And while we're at it, I can fix my nose.
- Speaking of fixing my nose, I had always liked my nose. Until a random customer at work asked me if I ever thought of fixing it. I'm lucky I've never punched a customer. VERY lucky.
Happy Monday!! Hope everyone is healthy in your neck of the woods!
10 Classy Comments:
I hope you feel better soon! That fruit pizza looks so yummy....can you share the recipe? And seriously someone asked about fixing your nose? WHO DOES THAT? So rude!
I'm still sitting here with my mouth gaping open. Who SAYS that kind of stuff to people? How rude, indeed! I quite prefer the real thing...it's like a trademark.
I hope you feel better soon! Spring colds are the worst.
I would love that fruit pizza recipe,too.
Oh, I love my Kindle too! I also love fruit pizza.
I hope you feel better soon!
I've had fruit pizza at a shower and it's YUMMERS!!
I love fruit pizza! It reminds me of college because our house mom always made it! And my husband has his finals this week too and I am so, so happy. Congrats to Mr. RH on being DONE!!
Wow. I had some nasty experiences working in customer service, but that nasty comment about your nose? No jury would convict you for one good, swift punch. None.
Feel better! Being sick is no fun. And this allergy season hasn't been kind to me.
That looks delish. I'll need to find a gf recipe.
Sinus' have NOT been my friend lately. I know how you feel. I had the Alexis Bellino surgery, minus the bump removal a few years ago. It helped my sinus', but you have really keep up with flushing junk out or it's kinda a waste [read: what I'm finding out now]. Hope you find some relief! I'm the same with projects- I buy the supplies, get excited inside...then it sits.
Feel better soon! Cold medicine doesn't work, sadly. The only things that work for me are hot tea with honey and my Neti Pot. Keeping the gunk rinsed out of my sinuses helps me breathe through my nose while ill. Otherwise I feel as though I'm going to suffocate.
Classy and Fabulous
Great post! and incredible blog ! Very helpful post! I must say. Simple & interesting. Wonderful work!
thank you!
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