The moment I publicly scorn a fashion trend is usually approximately 38 seconds before I decide to embrace said fashion trend.
That being said, I sincerely hope that this is not true in the case of today's fashion mystery: The High-Low Trend.
I saw it a couple of months ago on Forever21, but recently F21 has taken the obsession to a whole new level.
So, what is High-Low, you ask? I'll tell you.
In a high-low garment, the front of the garment is cut high... so as to show of the maximum amount of skin in the front.
She's got that clutch in front so that her "high" doesn't accidentally reveal her la cucaracha. The expression on her face proves that's a fact, Jack.
In the back, on the other hand, the garment is cut low... so as to appear as a member of the Amish community from the back.
(Ok, I'm KIDDING! I live in a community with a few Amish and many Mennonite families, all of whom are the NICEST people in the whole world. Not to mention, their families are always beautifully dressed AND perfectly behaved. We could all take a page from their book, promise.)
But it's not just dresses who are in on the fun. Oh no, that would be too good. Skirts have gotten in on the fun....
As have shirts.

Ladies, meet the High-Low Trend. Hideous from the front, deceivingly ugly from the back.
In other words, THE MULLET of fashion trends.
I apologize to the person who's photo I stole. But really, you shouldn't have mulleted, un-watermarked photos on the internet. How irresponsible.
Ladies, you have your warning. Spread the word, near and far. You can never be too careful.
Stay safe, friends. Avoid mullets at all costs. In fashion and men.
15 Classy Comments:
So that explains the weird shirts I've been seeing lately. Ugh. I don't like it. I haven't seen the skirts/dresses yet. I love the comparison to the mullet - it definitely fits! I won't be jumping on this fashion bandwagon.
I remember when this trend made an appearance in the late 90's....I didn't like it then and I CERTAINLY don't like it now. it is weird and awkward!
I'm like you though - once I say 'never' I usually jump right in...this one will have to be the exception to the rule.
So NOT a fan of this look! Way too unfaltering!
Thank the Lord I am not the only one who is against this trend!
Totally agree this is hideous! Not a fan.
ahhh the mullet dresses! Shirts I don't mind as much but the dresses, I'm just not real sure about.
I'm dead. DEAD. haha!
Amen! Hideous and I haven't seen one person that this is flattering on.
I watch old reruns of friends and then scroll through F21 and it's the SAME. UGLY. MULLET clothes. this is probably why I haven't gone shopping in MONTHS. If it's not a mullet, it's UBER hipster and grungy looking. bring back the classics!
I am SO with you! Totally resembles a mullet...
I am loving the mullet dress!
Not a fan! How do you disguise belly bulge?
I wore a dress like this in high school. For marching band. Where I was captain of the color guard/flag team. Oh and the dress featured a zillion sequins. I loved it. Would I wear that style for any other reason? Not a chance.
When will this trend ever go away! Bleh!
When will this awful trend ever go away...
Three years later and I'm afraid this awful trend is here to stay. Ugh. I can't even find any cute tops in stores now that aren't hi-low.
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