Monday, January 16, 2012

Review: Hana Air Blow-Dryer Review

A couple of weeks ago, I got an email from Misikko asking if I wanted to review the Hana Air Professional Blow Dryer.  I can tell you the last time I did a review on this blog (never?) and I didn't want to... but you see, my "old faithful" blow dryer had been sparking lately.

So what is Misikko?  Just a huge online store that sells CHI hair dryers (and straighteners!  and curling irons!), tons of premium hair straighteners, and one of those cool clipless curling irons that I am totally lusting after.  And of course the Hana Air that I took for a test drive. 

The blow dryer looked so shiny and appealing on their website, how could I say no?

I couldn't.

First of all, I've been using a cheap, inexpensive blow dryer for years.  I had actually purchased a fancier dryer a couple of years ago but it was seriously weak.  So I switched back to a sassy old dryer that I purchased for 7th grade gym class.

As I took the Hana Air out of the box, I was totally impressed by the weight of this dryer.  It's not light, that's for sure, but it's not heavy.  It's solidly built and feels extremely compact.  Hard to explain.

I flipped the dryer on to dry my hair and I was impressed by the power.  It had SO much more than my old dryer BUT it was also quieter.  Go figure, my old dinosaur blow-dryer sounded like a jet engine taking off.

And then I realized I had it on low.  Whoa buddy!  I switched the thing onto high and it did seriously quick work on my hair.

I was a little stumped though at one thing - this dryer is noticeably LESS hot than my old dryer.  At first, I was a little unhappy.  I couldn't figure out WHY it wouldn't get so hot.  And then I realized that my dinosaur dryer was probably a wee past the use-by date and therefore had been heat-blasting my head for years.  And I have a lot of broken hairs and dry skin near my hairline to prove it.  Oops!

Despite the fact that I am not getting a regular burn from my blow dryer, I swear my hair dries faster and has a lot more shine.

But honestly, my favorite part of this dryer is pretty lame.  100% lame but it makes my morning SO much better.  It has a reeally long cord.  So now I can run around my bathroom doing odds and ends without dragging the entire contents of my sink onto the floor.

It's really the little things.

A Hana dryer is definitely an investment - but considering I've been using my old crappy dryer for going on 11 years, I am positive it's worth every penny.

Now if it could only curl my hair after it's done.  And put away my laundry. 

Thanks for the dryer, Misikko!  I now have no excuse to dread my dryer anymore. 

5 Classy Comments:

Cheerful Homemaker said...

nice! both of my hair dryers are terrible. they smell like fire and make my hair frizzy.

how i met your father blog said...

so jealous... this hairdryer sounds like a dream!

if you have a minute stop by and enter my two year blog giveaway!

Jessie Jones said...

Very jealous! I really need a new one! This one sounds great!

Elle said...

This hairdryer sound great!

Please check out my blog:)

Fashions on Top
Fashions on Top Twitter

Unknown said...

I bought this dryer recently and found it to be okay but not amazing. Many reviews I read were from girls with pretty straight or wavy hair and as a curly haired girl I didn't find that it gave me results that were much better than my generic hair dryer. Also, the buttons are a pain and all the goodies I've seen in all the reviews were misleading as I received mostly junk. Still got frizz that I had to flatiron away. Overall, not worth shelling out the money. As a side note, it's not for lack of skill as I'm very good with a blowdryer.

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