Almost a month ago I started writing this post about some new arrivals to my closet... and then I promptly got busy with other things and forgot about it. Par for the course. We'll get to the shopping in a second.
But first, I feel like I can't write a post today in my online journal without mentioning the death of Osama bin Laden yesterday.
I am NOT one to talk politics, but I feel compelled to thank our troops and the people who work day in and day out to keep us safe. Thank You!
It feels like a great day to be an American.
Side note: Isn't it crazy how bad/cheap the quality is in this photo? I took this with a fairly expensive point and shoot digital camera in 2002. At that point, I don't think the camera had any optical zoom, only grainy digital zoom. How early 2000 of me.
Segue directly to frivilous "fashion" post.
A month ago
And then I procrastinated and half the stuff I wanted sold out immediately. Duh.
I decided to wait a day or two to make up my mind and ended up with an orange sweater (actually called Coral Fantasies). (And, BONUS! I found another place in my house that has Horrible Photo Lighting. Maybe I should start a weekly post about that? Places I shouldn't take pictures?)
And then the same sweater in black, because black is a necessity.
I wish I could say I loved this coat as much as the sweaters.
And then there's The Dress. Thanks to Miss Southern Belle and Andie for the tip about this dress... it's amazing.
Oh, and I got one other item from this past week that is absolutely hilarious. It was listed as a denim tunic (of course I'd love to link to it but it's disappeared now!).
Let me tell you... it's not a denim tunic. It's... I have no words. It's practically suede. Totally hideous in person.
Anybody wanna grab a drink with me in my faux-suede-faux-denim tunic? I'll bring all the boys to the yard, no doubt!
Hope you all are having an excellent Monday! Can you BELIEVE it's May??
12 Classy Comments:
That dress is adorable!
I have the same dress in beige or tan or whatever color they call it. I cannot tell you how many compliments I get on it. I almost don't want to wear it because I never want it to get old and worn and then I can't have it anymore!!
Is it weird that I actually really like the denim tunic?? lol I think you look cute! Paired with some safari-type jewelry, you could rock it.
I have that coat but in khaki - I've been wearing it a lot. I don't button it, so maybe I just missed out on the lack of lower buttons. ;)
You look awesome in that dress! I might need to pick that up myself.
I love the orange sweater and that dress. Nice finds. And I agree, it is an amazing day to be an American!
I really like the Halloween sweaters. I like the length of the sleeves.
That dress is adorable! It looks very comfy. Is that also from NY&Co.?
I really like the coat. precious!
why do all the stores come out with awesome, cute clothes right when i find out i'm pregnant and can't wear them anymore? :o)
I wish I would have seen the orange cardigan and bought it! i want an orange cardigan!!!
you have good taste. ;)
I have that ruffle dress in beige and orange AND a blue/yellow/black pattern. It is a great dress. Super comfy like pajamas but won't get you sent home from work.
Okay, you will be embracing orange after purchasing that sweater. It's like your gateway drug to more orange. I'm just warning you.
(Thanks for being a new follower! I like you already.)
Oooh, I told you girl!!!! That dress is the bombdotcom! So comfy and cute:)
really like orange !! and that looks great!
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