First of all, thank you to everyone who left such nice comments on my last post about Dance Marathon. They just made my heart burst with pride and thankfulness.
This weekend was an absolute whirlwind but so great.
The Marathon was a huge huge success and so much fun. It was amazing to reconnect with some families from the hospital that we have known since day 1.
In other news, this weekend highlighted the fact that I needed to learn how to use my new camera. (New is a loose term here since I believe I bought it in July of last year. Hehe.)
Of course I ended up going on stage and speaking on behalf of the founders of the Marathon (which I am really not, although I have been there since the beginning). Suffice it to say that you should all be thankful there is no video or pictures because I am so ridiculous. I believe I complimented the crowd on how classy they are.My favorite tradition at Dance Marathon during the closing... everyone celebrating during the song Angels Among Us. Not a dry eye in the house.
The girls raised an amazing $63,000 dollars to bring the six-year total for the event to around $400,000. For a school that has under 1500 students each year that's pretty damn amazing.
It just goes to show what anyone can accomplish if they put their minds to it.
Now if I could only accomplish that in my own personal life...
Starting with learning how to use my camera.
1 year ago
6 Classy Comments:
That picture says SO much. Beautiful!!!!
great post, warms my heart.
how neat ?!
love it! Really awesome.
The picture is amazing and inspiring!
That's definitely amazing! I'd be scared to talk in front of a crowd. I'm sure you were great.
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