So far this year, I have been on a reading jag. Read, read, read... I can't get enough.
Until this book.I got Wicked, the book, based on one of your suggestions. And while I like the story... this is just a tough read for me.
The style of this book... ack, it's just killing me. I don't know why, but I am just struggling! I've been reading it for well over a week now.
Anyways, today's my day off so I am going to plow through this and finish... otherwise I may never finish.
So. Tell me what you're reading today. Or planning on reading today. Cause I don't know if I can survive this book much longer.
(And I apologize to the person who recommended this to me. I just... can't. Color me a dumb blonde, I like my chick lit.)
Also, I haven't seen the musical either. Something tells me I would love it more if I had seen it first.
1 year ago
27 Classy Comments:
I totally understand - I just could not get into Wicked. I treid to read it before I saw the play - which I absolutely love have seen twice. I might try again one day but for now it's one the books I started but just couldn't finish.
Right now I'm reading 100 Years of Solitude. It was very tough to get into but I started to enjoy it. I've taken a long break and it will take some work to get back into it, but I'm determined to finish. I think I deserve a light read after this. Maybe James Patterson's newest Alex Cross book.
I read this last year and it about killed me! It was just a hard read. And I couldn't get into it.
Look up Steve Kluger "Almost like being in love" or "Last days of summer." Both are great!
I always have this problem! I pick books that are fun to read like chick lit but then there are also books that I know I should read because its an interesting topic but they're just way harder to read. I enjoy historical fiction a lot, but it is NOT easy to read. I'm reading right now a 60s spy novel by John Le Carre, the spy who came in from the cold. I like it a lot but not easy to read. I started a good reads account so i can track what i read and feel guilty when i will watch something totally cheesy on tv (kardashian reality tv) instead of reading :)
I can't decide what to read right now! I won't be reading Wicked though, based on your review... I just finished Amy & Roger's Epic Detour which was all kinds of amazing. Have you read it? If not, you MUST. I'm thinking about reading Room, The Sugar Queen, or I dunno, maybe Mini Shopaholic. I can't decide!
I tried reading Wicked after seeing the musical as well as Son of a Witch. I just don't like Gregory Maguire's writing style. I couldn't get into either!
I've on book 2 of the Bride Quarter by Nora Roberts, and I'm also reading Love Walked In since I don't want everyone getting the idea that I'm ready to be a bride (I'm NOT!).
I am a chick lit girl. I love mindless trash. However thanks to my husband I do read the occasional "good" book. Currently it's "Does This Make My Assets Look Fat" which is a pretty neat financial book!
I tried reading this book a couple times. I saw the musical and it's phenomenal! The book is not much like the musical so I am not sure that would help. I'm with you though -- i just didn't like the style of the writing. I have still not finished it.
I read all of the cheesy chick books. Nicholas Sparks and Emily Giffin books are my favorite.
If I can't get in to a book in the first 20 pages I'm screwed. I might as well find someone else who wants to attempt to read the book.
Your goodreads has been going crazy this year for sure. I was on there yesterday and went wow she is on fire! I did not like Wicked either, I couldn't even it make it through the entire book. I think I will just stick to the play.
I just bought tickets to see the musical!!!!!!! :)
I also struggled with Wicked and haven't seen the musical. I do want to though! Right now I'm going old school and plowing through Great Expectations! I love A Tale of Two Cities and am making myself finish this classic before hitting some modern reads. Happy Reading!
Wicked has been sitting on my nightstand for over a year. I started it, got maybe 50 pages in, and couldn't go any further. I guess I leave it on my nightstand because I think one day I will be ready to tackle it....but um, no.
I teach English and read voractiously; probably between 50 and 70 book a year. I could not finish Wicked. Just like you, I thought the premise seemed neat but that was not enough to carry me through the entire book!
I have heard that about this book. That it is REALLY weird. The play is amazing, super cute and really fun. Definitely try that instead. (You know, since it is so convenient to just go see and all.)
You would like the book a bit more if you saw the time you're in chicago look into it. Anyways-you said you like chitlit...have you ever read any of the Emily Giffin books? So chiclit and I love them!
That's how I was with Incarecon. I couldn't get into it no matter what. Until the last few chapters. I just finished I am number in like 2 days. read that!
Just read the "Transition of Things" couldn't put it down and got done in a day or so! Loved it. Quick and kept my interest. Now I'm looking for a new one, maybe I'll look through your suggestions! Cassie
I'm trying to finish Breaking Dawn, but it's killing me. It's very long and parts of it are dry. I don't have much free time, so when I get the chance to read, I want to enjoy every minute of it!
Don't feel too bad about having a tough time with this book - I struggled through the whole thing. I don't know why I just couldn't get into it. It just felt so dark and depressing and I didn't like the characters much. I really liked the musical, but I thought it was SO different than the book (it was lighthearted and funny). I hate starting a book that I don't have any desire to finish. I'm one of those people that has to finish every book I start, but this one was very hard for me.
I am totally the opposite. I gobbled it up then read Son of a Witch. I eventually read all of Gregory Maguires books. They were all good except the one about Jack the Ripper. It was I've been trying to read The last Wicked book, A Lion Among Men, forever but I have so much to read for school I never have time for "me books".
Oh no, I hate when you hear good things about a book, and then you struggle to get through it. I totally love chick books also!
I am currently reading Ape House by Sara Gruen for the Book Beginnings and Bookends book club. I have only read 2 chapters, so I can't really tell you if it's good or bad yet.
I am also getting ready to start reading How to Bake a Perfect Life by Barbara O'Neal. Once again, haven't started it yet, but just love the title. It is totally a chick book.
I tried reading it about 5 years ago back in college and felt the same way. I gave up after about 150 pages.
I'm seeing the play at the end of the month and I'm sooo beyond excited about it. I have to say though, I couldn't get into the book either. I read half way through and then never ended up finishing it. Oh well! Is it bad that what I'm hoping to read today is the new issue of Vogue??
It's a hard read... and confusing as hell. I definitely read certain chapters twice. You really have to pay attention to get the book, but the story is great once you get into it!
I tried reading the book too!! I too thought it was very hard to get into!! I LOVED LOVED the play... the soundtrack is amazing!!
I also love love your blog!! I am new at this whole blogging thing and I just think you are awesome!! We have so much in common!! Have a great weekend!!
I HATED this book. HATED. I actually threw it across the room. I found the author to be pretentious, and felt as if most of the text was written simply because the author wanted to "hear" himself. When I sold it to the used bookstore they were impressed with the lack of wear and tear. Um, cause I hated it.
Love the play, not so much the book.
I agree. I liked the story, but it was a tough read. It just took. so. long. Son of a Witch was the same way, too.
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