So, there was a reason I dropped off the planet without posting last week.
Wednesday at work started like a normal day. Hectic with work-related things, but normal.
And then I noticed I kept scratching my left elbow. Harder and over and over and hey, is there a big lump on my elbow?
Fast forward two hours.
Some crazy-stressful stuff went down at work but I'm feeling good. Smiling even though my nerves are shot and it's barely noon.
Realize that I'm walking kinda stiffly. Knees are on FIRE, actual fire. When I touch them through my jeans, they feel hot.
Excuse self to bathroom where the freakout begins.
My knees, elbows, and one wrist are swollen horribly. It looks like bee stings times ten.
They are all hot and red and covered in welts or hives.
Debate how to tell the boss that I need to leave work asap, seeing as though I am probably harboring contagious diseases.
Burst into tears telling boss that I have probably given everyone The Black Death and need to leave immediately.
Leave 2 hours later, secure doctor's appointment for next day.
Am in horrible pain and can barely walk or do anything. The bottom of my right foot swells and I can barely walk.
Next day, the doctor proclaims that she hasn't seem someone looking so sick in forever.
Prescribes a billion tons of steroids to help the swelling go down. Quadruple the dose my dad had been taking for his injured elbow.
Probably a virus that somehow didn't make me sore-throat/cough sick... but that it attacked my joints instead.
That and she took approximately 50 vials of blood to get blood work for a variety of other conditions, including but not limited to lyme disease, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and a hundred other diseases I would rather not think about.
Um, yeah.
Thankfully I'm still alive and feeling MUCH better.
I went back to work on Friday and despite some achey-ness and bruising in my joints from all the swelling, I am hopefully totally fine.
But don't think that 24-hours of the weirdest symptoms of my life doesn't have me grateful for every single second I have spent of my last 24 years on this planet feeling well.
I whine and complain a LOT for someone with such a charmed life... but I definitely don't take my health for granted. I'm lucky.
Hopefully you're all feeling well and not-sick this snowy Tuesday!

Wednesday at work started like a normal day. Hectic with work-related things, but normal.
And then I noticed I kept scratching my left elbow. Harder and over and over and hey, is there a big lump on my elbow?
Fast forward two hours.
Some crazy-stressful stuff went down at work but I'm feeling good. Smiling even though my nerves are shot and it's barely noon.
Realize that I'm walking kinda stiffly. Knees are on FIRE, actual fire. When I touch them through my jeans, they feel hot.
Excuse self to bathroom where the freakout begins.
My knees, elbows, and one wrist are swollen horribly. It looks like bee stings times ten.
They are all hot and red and covered in welts or hives.
Debate how to tell the boss that I need to leave work asap, seeing as though I am probably harboring contagious diseases.
Burst into tears telling boss that I have probably given everyone The Black Death and need to leave immediately.
Leave 2 hours later, secure doctor's appointment for next day.
Am in horrible pain and can barely walk or do anything. The bottom of my right foot swells and I can barely walk.
Next day, the doctor proclaims that she hasn't seem someone looking so sick in forever.
Prescribes a billion tons of steroids to help the swelling go down. Quadruple the dose my dad had been taking for his injured elbow.
Probably a virus that somehow didn't make me sore-throat/cough sick... but that it attacked my joints instead.
That and she took approximately 50 vials of blood to get blood work for a variety of other conditions, including but not limited to lyme disease, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and a hundred other diseases I would rather not think about.
Um, yeah.
Thankfully I'm still alive and feeling MUCH better.
I went back to work on Friday and despite some achey-ness and bruising in my joints from all the swelling, I am hopefully totally fine.
But don't think that 24-hours of the weirdest symptoms of my life doesn't have me grateful for every single second I have spent of my last 24 years on this planet feeling well.
I whine and complain a LOT for someone with such a charmed life... but I definitely don't take my health for granted. I'm lucky.
Hopefully you're all feeling well and not-sick this snowy Tuesday!

30 Classy Comments:
Yikes! That is scary! I'm glad you are feeling better!
How weird!! Glad you're feeling better though :)
how incredibly strange!! I am so glad you are feeling better and I am really interested to see what the bloodwork reveals!
You poor thing! That is really scary! Glad you are feeling better. And glad you didn't spread the black death!
ohmygosh, how frightening! i, too, would totally be freaking out! so glad you're on the mend and feeling better!
Those are some really strange symptoms. Glad to hear you're doing better though!
How scary! That would freak me out too! I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better!
Whew! Glad you are feeling better...
Ohmahgosh!!! Scary!! So glad you're feeling better, what a scare--I would have had a total panic attack.
Oh my goodness that is scary! Hope you are feeling better and it was just a quick virus and nothing serious!
That is very scary! I'm glad you're feeling better :) Hope this week goes much better!
That is crazy- I've never heard of anything like that! Glad you are feeling better!
That's enough to jar a seasoned marine out of his boots. I'm so glad you're ok! I've never heard of such symptoms--especially in such a short amount of time. You've definitely given me something to reflect on.
oh my goodness! i would be scared to death! I'm glad youre ok!
That is crazy!! I have never heard of anything like that before. I'm glad you're okay!!!
OMG, that is so scary! I'm sorry! Glad you're better!
Ohmigosh, this is insane! And I thought I was sick. You just made me quit feeling sorry for myself!
Oh wow, that was scary!
My boyfriend had been through something similar in last April, the doctors didn't know what was wrong with him! He was not able to walk, his ankle was so swollen, red, etc!
I'm glad that you are feeling better!
OMG that is crazy ! I would have been freaking out ! Glad you are feeling better and hopefully it stays away !
Oh my goodness, so glad you're okay! I would definitely be freaking out... but if it makes you feel any better, I had a mysterious "blue hands disease" when I was a teen! My hands would literally turn blue... for no apparent reason. They weren't cold; my circulation was fine; there was no massive illness going on. Just blue. Hands that were blue.
Doctors eventually linked it to stress and called it "Raynaud's phenomenon," though who knows what it actually was! Ten years later, I'm fine. Just weirdness.
How crazy!! I'm happy to hear you're feeling better at least...
WOW!! That is so crazy! You should be a case on Grey's!
When I was little, I had a surgery, and apparantly got a little infection from it that spread to my joints. It was so strange. One minute I was fine, the next I couldn't walk or move my arms! They felt like jello. I had to be wheeled down to the nurse's office at school in the teacher's roll-y chair. I'm so cool.
Anyway, I'm so glad you feel better!
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That is scary stuff! Glad you are feeling better! Sounds like your tears to the boss were kinda necessary!
Strange. I'm glad you're feeling better!
Oh my GOSH Sarah!! That is REALLY scary!! I'm so glad your ok. Keep us posted as those results come in! You poor thing!
How scary! I am so glad to hear you are feeling better.
That always makes me annoyed when you go the doctor and they say you look sick. Duh doc that is why I am here!
Hoping that you don't have any more scary situation any time soon.
YIKES!! How scary! I would be completely freaking out too! So glad to hear that you're feeling better! Take care of yourself girlfriend.
Oh wow! That is so scary! Hope you are feeling better!
Yikes! It might be from too much stress/not enough rest. Glad you're feeling better!
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