(And for those of you who are going to tell me that Wal-Mart had it at midnight and blah blah blah... obviously you missed the words "3 Disc Deluxe Edition." Not available at Wal-Mart.)
Just so y'all know...the Twilight love is not dead.
That is all.
That is all.
12 Classy Comments:
So Pat rented New Moon (fyi: we went to theater's to see it) the other day and I was all "Why did you rent it? I don't want to see it again".... but we started watching it, and *swoon* now I am again obsessed with Edward. GAH!!!!! I cannot wait until June to have another Rob Pat fix, so I have to see Remember Me now..... like tommorrow.
I'm so NOT a R-Patz fan... but Taylor Lautner? Yes.
I'll seriously buy the movie and watch it on mute (because Kristen Stewart's obsessive broodiness annoys the everlasting crap out of me) just to see Jacob (and possibly his abs :)
I was at B&N at 8:05. :-)
I still don't have my copy yet and I'm freaking. I'm going tonight though...twilight for life. hahahahaha!
You are a true fan! I got mine at Target on Saturday too! Only I wanted until noon....because well, I was lazy!
WHAT!!!!! I went to Wal-Mart at midnight and got the "Ulitimate Fan Edition" which was supposed to be the extra good one, but Target had a 3 disk one?!?! I should have gotten my sleep and gone there! Oh well! Oh us silly Twilight fans! haha!
I haven't seen New Moon yet, but can you guess what I'm going to do with my big girl paycheck on Friday? I'm still reading Eclipse, so I better get on the move if I want to be ready for the movie!
I still haven't picked up my copy yet, but you can guarantee I'll be getting the Target edition - got the Twilight 3-disc from there, got to keep up the tradition!
Got my on Saturday morning too & I've watched it twice already!
DH rented it from RedBox or whatever. He watched it and returned it before I got home. Good thing I've already seen it.
I bought mine on Amazon so I didn't get it till monday :( I was home sick so I tore right into it! lol
I still haven't seen it! I saw Twilight and I've read all the books, but I just haven't gotten around to this movie yet! :(
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