Ok, FINE. I concede that there are excellent movies beyond It's a Wonderful Life. I loved a ton of the movies you guys suggested - and I would totally watch them if I had any spare minutes around here - but they are not must haves. It's a Wonderful Life is a must-see. That's all I'm saying.
Last night my BFFs and I had our "Girls Night" Christmas Dinner. Trying to come up with a theme of some sort, we decided to twist the "Ugly Christmas Sweater" party into the "Ugly Dress" dinner. And, because we had a really bad impulse purchase at TJ Maxx about 2 years ago.... we came up with these little numbers:
I guess you get what you pay for at TJ Maxx. Especially when silver lame fabric is involved. Yeowzers.
But my BFF hosted our litte dinner party - she's amazing, as usual. Even though she left for a cruise at 6 AM today, she had the whole house decorated and beautiful... how gorgeous is this tablescape?
Much champagne and wine was consumed, which made my group gift all the more entertaining:

How's this for an abrupt change of topic? If you follow me on Twitter you know I got Forever21 order and am trying to decide if I like the items I ordered.

So now I'm off to get stuff ready for the post office so I can get that done before heading out to the mall for the day. Somebody please remind me next year that working retail for the holidays is always a bad idea. I had forgotten.
Hope everyone is having a fabulous Eve of Christmas Eve!

20 Classy Comments:
Love the silver dresses! You guys dressed 'em up well!
And as for the last post about It's a Wonderful Life, I love that movie. My mom claims that it's the greatest movie of all time, so she'd definitely agree with you!
I plan on buying the Twilight Scene game for a little bit of Christmas fun :-) So therefore you are not lame. The ugly dress party looks like a lot of fun, I love parties with themes. Hope you have a Merry Christmas.
I Love It's A Wonderful Life, it's on my must see list every year!!! =)
Oooh, I want Twilight Scene It!! And, I agree on the F21 order. The tank looks big and the white one is sheer. I love that cardigan. I have it in my cart.
the dresses crack me up! awesome. i didnt even know they had a twilight game out, fun!!!
I didn't know about the Twilight Scene-it! That is awesome!! And yall's dresses...hysterical!! sounds like the perfect girls get together! :)
I would love to play the Twilight scene it with some girls. SO fun!
Hahaha, those dresses are adorable! You guys made them really fun.
Also, I know you said it's not your house...but I love the saying on your friends wall behind the tree. So cute. I may have to show my mom because we're re-doing our downstairs and she is all into that kind of stuff lately.
Glad you had a good night!
I love your header and those dresses are TRES TRES fabulous! Merry Christmas! xo Mitsy
I can't order b/c I look a mess when the stuff actually comes in the mail. I'm impressed you look so cute. I ordered a shirt and skirt from F21, and it looked totally ridiculous when I got it in.
The ugly dress party looks fun!
LOve #2 and #4 also and LOVE the silver dresses... oh and I bought the Twilight game for my teen but secretly I got it for my own enjoyment! We will be playing that tomorrow night ( early Xmas gift )hehe
I laughed so loud seeing those silver dresses. Amazing! Such good idea to make ugly dress party :)
Y'all actually made silver la'me look good! Ha! I like the way y'all styled them!
By the way, I watched It's A Wonderful Life today! It is so good! I am waiting for Christmas for A Christmas Story!
LOL, sounds like you have some great friends :) And I a in LOVE with that last gray sweater. So cute!
Haha I love the silver dresses they're all so fun! The Twilight scene it game looks like a TON of fun!!
The material of those dresses are awesome!!!!
Oh my goodness! Those dresses are so... SHINY! At least you had fun, right?
Those dresses are too funny! I love it! Looks like a super fun night!!
You girls are hilarious. I'm cracking up! Must have been a blast!
The silver dresses are a hoot. Great tablescape. Your friend must be one of those organized types ;-).
I actually like the white cowlneck sweater. Too bad it didn't work. I recognize the art deco style bracelet on you w/the lame dress.
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