Monday, November 9, 2009


Ok, well after telling all of you that shopping was my Happy Place on Friday... I totally did it again.

This weekend Old Navy had all of its outerwear 50% off. And I was powerless to resist.

Fortunately, Michelle passed on a coupon for another 25% off.... so these were some cheap coats, people.

Unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to get to the mall until Sunday so the coats were rather picked over.... but I still found plenty of coats in my size.

So I tried them all on.

My favorite was the one on the bottom left. It's the same style as the black coat on the top middle picture, but the stitching and the buttons on this coat were SO luxe looking, in my opinion. Well, as luxe as you can get for $30ish dollars.

I loved the purple coat but it has a bell sleeve which I absolutely hate. I wanted to love the bright blue coat but it didn't come in enough at the waist and the fabric was very rough and scratchy.

So I hemmed and hawed for about 30 minutes with all these coats in a fitting room. So tough to decide!

The only coat on my "needs" shopping list was a black coat, so I ended up with...

These two cuties (sorry about the iffy pic quality)! How do you feel about the shorter coat? With my long torso, I'm starting to question my decision making.

In other news, I played a lot of Dream Phone this weekend.

Please ignore the scrub clothes, hair, and worn-off makeup.

So how was your weekend?

And please chime in - what do you think of the short coat? Or the long coat.

I'm all ears.

Happy Monday!

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27 Classy Comments:

BRD said...

I love the two coats you got, especially the short one! I may have to head over to Old Navy and get one for myself!

--DC Prep

Sass said...

I love them both!

The short one will look great with jeans.
Smart yet casual!

Excellent shopping trip!


melissa said...

Love the coats! Don't return the short one - it looks great on you. Also, I just have to say that I thought I didn't like leggings, but you are rocking them! I think you've changed my mind. If I was skinny like you I'd run right out and buy myself a pair.

emily said...

i really like both of them...esp for that $$!! i think the short one is a GREAT change up and would look hot with a pair of jeans and heels...can already picture it! and the black-so necessary and simple, wonderful! good buys!

Sonja said...

oooh how I love you even more now! :)

That was how I spent my day yesterday! Going through all of their coats! I LOVE that blue one! We don't have that one here!!! :(

I found 3 that I love and bought! Along with a few of their $25 sweater dresses!!


Sarah said...

I really like the black one! :)

Unknown said...

Suuurrree...blame it all on me. ;-)

I loved all the coats you tried on. I, too, loved the plum colored coat, but me & those sleeves? Yeah, not so much.

I do like the shorter coat you bought...I ended up with a green peacoat (I owe pictures). I wanted a longer coat in a charcoal gray, but figured since I have a nice long (black) coat from ATL that I probably didn't need one.

And, damn, ON, BR and the Gap for sending out their 30% off friends & family coupon & I both know how this will turn out. :-)

Megan said...

I love those two coats! I need a pea coat

PinkSass said...

I have the same short coat in creme that I got last season and I love it! Adorable.

Erin said...

Both coats are fabulous! The short one has a very chic quality to it and will look great with jeans.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Coats are my new favorite love and at Old Navy how can you say no? I consider your trip to be justified :) My vote goes to the long coat. I hope you are having a great Monday! XO

Alyssa said...

I love the short coat! Definitely a keeper. I want to run out and grab some coats too, I wish I had known about the sale!

Lynn said...

Love, love both of them!

Cheerful Homemaker said...

I really like the shorter sleeves on the short jacket. I'm really tall, though, so not sure how I'd feel about it on me.

Jessica said...

Maybe I'm not stylish enough, so take my words with a grain of salt, but the short coat looks "short" all around, and therefore has the shrunk coat look (short torso, shorter sleeves, etc...) You would look absolutely adorable in anything you put on, but the short coat isn't my favorite....just being honest....

Melissa said...

I love them both and at those prices I think you should keep them both! Great deal girlie!!

pinkriss said...

i have been eyeing the shorter coat for a while! I just pointed it out to my housemate the other night when i saw it on the commercial :) KEEP THEM BOTH! you can never go wrong with a great deal!!

Rosalyn Kay said...

Love the shorter coat! It's my fave of all the ones you tried on!

I gave you an award over at my place! I have really loved reading your blog. Hope you are having a great night!

Anonymous said...

I know you said you're worried about the practicality of the shorter jacket...but it is SO CUTE!Just adorable.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I like them both. I think the short coat is being thrown off by the leggings. I bet it will be extra fab with some jeans or trousers. And, the peacoat is can't go wrong with those!

M said...

I'm thinking the longer coat... The proportions just work a lot better for your body type. Looking for cute coats + other fashion ideas? Take a look at my blog !

have your cake + eat it too

the girl in the red shoes said...

I love both coats! The short coat is so cute and will go with a bunch of outfits!

Mindy said...

They're both cute!
I wish I could use my coupon for Old Navy this week. Bummer! :(

haha, I love how HUGE the Dream phone is! I guess you found the game somewhere?!

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

I may need to go buy that one in the bottom left -- AMAZING for $30!!

About Miranda said...

The short coat is absolutely adorable!!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Love your scores! That khaki number is simply adorable!

beckylbranch said...

Oh gosh...all of them look great on you! I love that blue coat too! But basic black is a must, so you did good and also like the short coat too...all of them are great I couldn't choose :P

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