So, Halloween. I love it. When I was a kid, I remember thinking that I always had the most special costumes because my mom made them.
It's true that my costumes were special, but I just learned that my parents didn't dress me up until I was three - when my brother was 1. Apparently my first 3 Halloweens weren't that important. Geez!
This is when I was 2 - no costume, just an awesome face. This was my first Halloween dressing up. I'm not even sure we Trick-or-Treated. I was a princess, obviously. My brother was almost 1 and a skeleton.
The next year has to be one of our legendary Halloweens. The pumpkins are Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street - awesome, right? My brother and I are Raggedy Ann and Ragga Andy. A-dorable. We wore these costumes for 2 years because... hello, awesome.This year we were clowns. My mom made these costumes and we won "Most Colorful Costume" awards at some party. Mickey the pumpkin won too.
This year we were with my cousin, Minnie Mouse. I was a princess (again) and my brother was a cowboy. This costume also got a repeat the next year because what girl doesn't want to be a princess again?
Next year - Pocahontas (the blonde version) and a Pirate. Awesome.
This year I was 9 - and I got my first store bought costume. Cheerleader - how original, I know. And also, this was the year my brother and I stopped posing together for pictures.By the time I was 10, I was apparently too cool for Halloween. I was a hippie, and I'm pretty sure this was the last time I trick-or-treated.
And also, this was my brother's costume for that year... tell me this isn't a hilarious mad scientist.
Go over to Sarah's post and see her awesome Halloween costumes.
Did you have awesome costumes as a kid??
Happy Halloween! I hope your night is spook-tacular! (Also, our power went out for 3 hours last night. I was convinced it was some prank and - not gonna lie - I was waiting for a slasher to come bang on the windows. Yes, I'm 23 years old and I'm afraid of the dark.)
1 year ago
20 Classy Comments:
Soooo cute!! I love your Pocahontas! And the mickey mouse pumpkin is adorable!
We had several of the same costumes -too funny! And I didn't post it, but I pretty much have that EXACT same first picture from my 2nd Halloween!
Happy Halloween! Eat a lot of candy today - it's allowed!
Awesome!! THe Mad Scientist is the bomb!!!!
All these costumes were to cute! My favorite was the Raggedy Ann & Andy.
The pumpkins were awesome too!
Those Burt & Ernie pumpkins are adorable! Love all of the costumes. I don't have any Halloween pictures here, though, so I can't post any :(
Those Burt & Ernie pumpkins are adorable! Love all of the costumes. I don't have any Halloween pictures here, though, so I can't post any :(
I love all your costumes over the years! It's great that you have kept up with them and can look back.
The first picture is adorable!! Almost as good as the pumpkin .... :)
Happy Halloween!!
I love the old pictures! I was an Indian/ Pochahontas one year too!
Happy Halloween! I love the pictures so much. When I was younger, my mom made us be in out town's Halloween parade and she always made us dress as a family. Once we were M and Ms. Once we were bowling pins and she was the bowling ball. It was sooo embarrassing at the time, but now I look back and it was really creative. Oh, and we always won the prize at the parade!
Aww I love looking at all of the old pics! My Nana handmade all of my costumes, so I know exactly what you mean about feeling special that they were made for you! Have a great night XO
That's so awesome that you have pictures of past costumes. I can't wait to do that for my kids. We weren't allowed to celebrate until we were older and my mom rarely took pictures.
Your pictures are absolutely adorable though. :)
SUper cute! I like Bert & Ernie and the clowns the most :) You have such loving family :)
im lovin the mad scientist :) awesome costumes!!
hey stumbled on your blog, nice work! All the halloween pics are great! Reminds me of childhood, oh those were the days, eh?
Anyway, stop by my site sometime!
I was Pocahontas one year too. :-)
Guess what?! You won my giveaway!!
The pumpkins are awesome! I am so stealing that Bert and Ernie idea!!
Awww you were such a cute kid! love it!
Sooo cute!! And ok, that raggedy anne and andy was so darn adorable. :)
LOVE the Bert and Ernie pumpkins!!! How original. You guys were so cute as Raggedy Ann and Ragga Andy.
Your costumes were awesome! And that face you made in the first one....I have a billion pictures of me making the same one! What's up with that?? :)
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