Last year on my birthday, I woke up to a decorated apartment - there were balloons, streamers, and signs everywhere. There was a list of Top 10 "Sarah-isms" that made me laugh for weeks.
I woke to a boyfriend, best friends, and the promise of a day filled with fun. Oh yeah, and school. Ick.
Today, I woke up to a quiet, empty new "home." Everything is different.
Life is not at all how I expected to be... but I guess life is teaching me that life doesn't always work out the way we had planned.But in the end, even though my life is far from perfect, I am happy to have awesome friends and family to share my day with.
P.S. Do you ever look at old pictures and wish you were still that adorable? Yeah, me either.
49 Classy Comments:
Happy happy birthday! :)
Happy Birthday to a fellow Libra! Enjoy your day :o)
Happy birthday girl!! Have a great one!
Happy Birthday! Have a fab day! :)
--DC Prep
Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful day!
Happy birthday, friend! :)
Happy birthday, friend! :)
I hope your birthday is FABULOUS!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! At least this year you are waking up to a whole WORLD of possibilities, who knows where life will take you over the next year... that can be scary but also AWESOME!! XOXO have a great day!
Happy Birthday! :) Have a fantastic day!!! :)
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, girlie! Hope your day is absolutely fabulous.
Happy Birthday!
Look at you in your little romper!! Cute!
Happy birthday, Sarah...I hope your day is wonderful & as fabulous as you are!!
Happy Birthday Sarah! Hope your day is wonderful!
Happy Birthday! Yes we never know what life has in store for us. And double yes I always look at old pics and think, "I was freaking cute. What the hell happened?"
Happy Birthday! Go out and do something fun!
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday! I hope this year brings your joy and happiness.
Happy Birthday! Hope this year is full of wonderful surprises & adventures!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Make a good wish when you blow out the candles!
Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day! Just think, you never know where you'll be this time next year :-)
Have a fabulous birthday, Sarah!
Happy Birthday! Mine is in 6 days! Enjoy your day!
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day!
Happy Birthday pretty girl! I hope your have a wonderful day :)
Happy Birthday beautiful girl! I hope your day is full of happiness, you deserve it! Life has a funny way of throwing us curve balls when we least expect them - believe me, I've been there too. Just keep your chin up & your eyes looking ahead & everything will work out wonderfully! Happy Birthday to you!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I'm wishing you lots of fun on your special day!
Happy birthday! Hope you have a great day!
Happy birthday! Life seems to have a way of teaching us all kinda of lessons- even ones we may not want to learn! Have a great day!
Happy birthday! Here's to a wonderful year ahead of you!
Happy birthday darling. Cheers to your wonderful positive attitude. Hope you have a great day! xoxo
Happy Birthday, I hope it's just as fabulous as you! Here's to a wonderful year ahead of you!
i know i already wished you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY but i felt the need to do it again....comment form....
hope you are having a fabulous day!
Happy Happy Birthday=)
Happy, Happy Birthday!!
I enjoy reading your blog. Have a great day! ;)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY friend!! I'm so sorry that things are so different and not as secure and happy this year. You are in my prayers and I am praying that you have an amazing year full of love, friendship and much deserved happiness!! xoxoxo
What a beautiful baby! Happy Birthday dear!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have had an awesome day! :)
Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day!
Happy Happy Birthday!! Hope you had an amazing day!
Happy Birthday! And you are adorable STILL :P
Happy Birthday, hope you had the most fabulous day!
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday! Those pictures are ridiculously cute!
Happy birthday!! What precious pictures!
I just wanted to wish you happy (belated birthday! Your kid pics are so cute!
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