Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Year in Review

It was a bit of a slower year here at Classy & Fabulous.  114 total posts (115 if you count this one!), down from 2011’s grand total of 144 posts.

I would like to promise to be a better blogger in 2013 but I know that it’s going to be a whirlwind, roller coaster of a year. Thinking to the year ahead, I can only imagine how busy I’m going to be and how much effort it’s going to take to just keep it going… so we’ll see. I have missed blogging these past couple of months and I’m definitely planning on starting out the year right.

We’ll just see if I can write about anything besides wedding planning. I make zero promises. Plus, built-in material is just easy, know what I’m saying?

January – 8 posts
  • In January, I posted my all-time favorite two posts. Q&A with Mr. RH and then Part 2. It was fun watching him blog and to answer funny and embarrassing questions about me.  Until you do it - I think it's hard to understand how much effort goes into blogging.
February – 9 posts

March – 5 posts
April – 13 posts

May – 11 posts
June – 13 posts
July – 12 posts

August - 11 posts
September - 11 posts
October - 10 posts

November – 8 posts
December – 3 posts
  • Wrote a post about how much I love Mr. RH and included a lot of texts from early in our relationship.  This was really fun to look back on because so much has changed since we were those young, carefree kids.   
  • Welcomed baby Ruth into the world.  I can't believe my college classmates are old enough to have babies.  


So that was 2012 in a nutshell. In 2013, I’m looking forward to meeting my new nephews (TWINS!!), 2 more babies born by my college best friends, going to one of my best friend’s wedding, my own wedding… and all the stuff I haven’t even planned for yet?

I can’t even imagine.

It’s easy to look at my life day-to-day and feel really, shockingly ordinary. I haven’t won any awards and I’m certainly not a trailblazing career-girl. I shop too much and criticize my fiancé more than I should (which was a surprising theme in the comments this year, usually on a gift-giving occasion).

I suck at staying in-the-moment and I’m obsessed with getting the picture-perfect moment.

But when you add it all up and look at a year-long snapshop of the highlights and lowlights… you know, there’s really something spectacular about that everyday extraordinary.

I had been giving some serious thought to giving up this blog these past few months. It takes up a lot of time and effort and opens me up to criticism that sometimes really hurts. But then I realized – this community means SO much to me. A place where I can vent about real-life and get perspective that my problems are so small and the gifts I’ve been given are so great… that’s really priceless.

I hope to be here and more present in 2013. I know it’s going to be a challenge – but I’m hoping it’s one that I’m up for.

Whether this is your first time or whether you’ve been hear the whole time… thank you. The encouragement, the criticism, the voice of reason – it is all appreciated and enjoyed and I believe it’s truly made my life that much richer.

2013…. Bring it on. I can’t wait to get to know you.


  1. You had a really great year! We both have exciting event happening next year! Cheers to a new and exciting 2013! :)

  2. So glad you will be sticking with your blog this coming's one of my faves!!! Happy New Year!!

  3. best of luck for an amazing 2013. i can't wait to be along for the ride of wedding planning!

  4. It's going to be a fabulous year for you -- and I absolutely relate to so many of the sentiments you expressed here. I'm terrible at staying in the moment, but I'm determined to enjoy this year -- and everything that comes with our upcoming weddings!

    By the way, my sister is also engaged -- and getting married the weekend after you and Mr. RH! Right now, Spence and I are looking at November... so it's going to be a super busy time. Whew!
