Thursday, January 3, 2013


Hey there 2013, how you doin?! 

My 2013 is fairly nondescript so far.

I ended 2012 with my handsome Mr. RH - we FINALLY celebrated Christmas.  I got the most wonderful gifts from him and his family but, as we had discussed previously, it was a fairly low-key Christmas.  His "big gift" from me was tall/long sweatpants.  So yeah, pretty exciting times around here.  I got a cast iron dutch oven that I am really looking forward to putting to good use... but other than that, nothing much exciting happened here.

In some ways, I think a good chunk of this year will be spend "looking forward" to September 21st.  There are so many details, big and small, to be worked out for that big day.

But, big but, I am really trying to spend a significant chunk of time this year preparing for what happens September 22nd and beyond - the life and the marriage and the everyday meshing of two lives into one big fun life together.

I'm thinking I'll need a good name for a series of posts about life post-wedding... nothing's coming to mind yet, but I'll get there eventually I'm sure.

And since this post didn't really go anywhere.... I'll give you a little piece of my new niece Savannah at only 1 week old.  I can't believe she's a month old and this is the last time I saw her! 

Gah, babies are so precious and new and tiny!

Happy 2013!  Hope it's treating you well so far.


  1. That picture is the CUTEST!!!!!!!!!!

  2. This year is going to FLY by for you, especially when all the events start happening. Make sure you stop and enjoy every single minute!

  3. So exciting for your year this year !I know it will be wonderful!!!

    I can't wait until God brings you babies!

    That tiny tot is precious!

  4. You are going to have one heck of a year! Enjoy every minute - and HUG that precious niece!

  5. She is pretty much the cutest thing I've seen all year. And so tiny! She'll be gorgeous when she grows up!
