Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 in Classy & Fabulous

It was quite a fun year here at Classy & Fabulous.  I posted 144 times, which feels like a LOT when I look at it now - but at the time, I felt like I barely posted at all.   And I didn't, especially as the year wore on.  I was a wee bit distracted.

And now, a recap of some of my favorite posts of the year.  Some of them are sentimental, some just random, and some I just love.  Can't wait for another exciting year here!  It's going to be one for the record books, don't you think?

January – 14 posts
o   Carbs and Butter.  Enough said. 
·         February – 16 posts
o   Posted about junk food a lot.  Let’s avoid that trap in 2012, eh?  (No, I won't link to them.  I don't think we need to relive those.)
·         March- 17 posts
o   I had a dream about a celebrity and also of ablog friend.  Most vivid dream I’ve had all year.  
o   Got a Fancy New Camera Lens, too bad it didn’t come with a how-to manual.  Oh wait, yes it did.  I just didn’t read it. 
·         April – 13 posts
o   Decided What to Wear to the Royal Wedding.  Hypothetically. Literally.
·         May – 14 posts
·         June  – 15 posts
o   On the 1st, I posted that I mighthypothetically be ready to start dating again.  It was just a thought in my head that maybe I was ready.  This was my most-commented post of the year, besides my 3rd Birthday Post Giveaway.
o   On June 14th, I posted about the mostinsane sunburn EVER.  And hinted that some personal changes were upcoming.  I met Mr. RH (for real) on June 9th.
·         July – 9 posts
o   I found vagina humor on  It’s still funny to me. 
o   I started running and actually kept up with itfor 2 months.  And then I fell off the bandwagon.  Goal for 2012, anyone? 
o   I was SO nervous to introduce you all to Mr.RH.  And now I can’t imagine having kept him a secret any longer.  And I still can't get over how RH he is.
·         August – 11 - posts
o   I recapped my July trip to Hawaii in 3 posts here and here and here. 
o   Talked about My Good Girl.  Yes, that oneStill haven’t done anything but talk about it.
o   Found a lump, got scared, held his hand.  Found out it was nothing.  
o   Went to my first wedding with Mr. RH.  A fun experience, especially since we had only been dating for a very short time.  
·         September – 7 posts
o   Let my boyfriend find my blog.  Was embarrassed, then proud. 
o   Talked about marriage with Mr. RH.  3 months into our relationship.  Deeeep breaths.  
·         October – 9 posts
o   Chopped my hair off.  It was ugly long but it’s worse now that it’s shorter.  NO WIN SITUATION. 
o   Celebrated 24 Years of my Life…. Ok, 25: 
o   Had Halloween fun with Mr. RH.  I love how much he enjoys holidays with me. 
·         November – 11 posts
·         December – 8 posts

                 o   Posted my annual book recap.  Fell way behind in reading.  I blame Mr. RH. 

2011 was quite a year.  I feel very blessed by all the ways life has surprised me this year... can't wait to see what's in store for 2012!  

Happy New Year!!


  1. Loved following your blog this year!! Best wishes in 2012!!!

  2. 2012 will be EPIC for you, I just know it. :)


  3. I know that 2012 is going to be a great year for you :) XOXO

  4. You had a great year! I'll never forget our hassle, trying to find a tree farm only for me to realize my company owned one :)

  5. 2011 was pretty good to you!

    Also, I love that I sort of kind of made it into this recap post :)
