Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Classic "Classy & Fabulous"

 It's hard to know what to do or what to say in the wake of the devastating tornadoes in Oklahoma yesterday.  Is it better to say something?  Say nothing?  My voice is a drop of water in an ocean of grief.

Prayers continue for all of us - those personally affected and those of us who feel powerless to help. 

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Today's "Blog Everyday" post is supposed to be about old posts on your blogs... The Best Of... or Worst Of, I suppose.  I guess it didn't specify any type of post in particular.

A few come to mind....

The Ones About Mr. RH:

All The Married Ladies - The One where  I decided where I was single and ready to mingle.

First Date Deets - The One where I went on my first date with my future husband.  And I knew it that night. 

Introducing Mister Ridiculously Handsome - The One.  The End (or is it the Beginning?). 

The Ones about My Mom:




Two.  Mom, I Miss You.


I feel like I have better, more "memorable" posts than this... but I can't for the life of me think what they might be!  Crafts and recipes are nice and pin-ter-esting... but not so much memorable! 

Perhaps The One about the guy peeing in the parking lot at the bank?  

Posting pics of myself in a bikini and getting called out for grooming

The time where I fainted in class and slammed my head on a radiator

Any other fantastic posts that I'm missing?  Have you been reading forever (and I think some of you genuinely have!  Bless you, some of the archives are rough!)?

I really need a great "About Me" page but I'll save that one for when I someday make it big in the blog world and need to have an About Me page.


1 comment:

  1. I often thinking about adding an "about me" tab but can never justify spending the time to write that much about myself!
