Remember this?
The case of the missing dress?
Well guess what I found in my closet today...
Case closed.
I thank all of your for your concern in helping the perp be brought to justice: My dad!!
Sure, he's not technically at fault - but we all know who did it (and it wasn't me!!).
Anyway, the most important thing is that the dress is found (and was never lost) and everyone's happy.
It's gonna be a good Wednesday - if you call "good" a trip to the dentist, cleaning the house, and working at the mall. We'll stick with good.
1 year ago
5 Classy Comments:
glad you found your dress! have a fabulous day :)
Thanks for including your blog URL over on It was fun "seeing" you at #gno last night and getting to know you better through your blog. There are some really fun ones in the #gno gals network. I am loving checking out our diversity :).
Hope you have a great day and "see" you next week at #gno.
P.S. Sooooo glad you found your dress! Fun pic of your dad :).
Sounds JUST like my DAUGHTER! She looks for something, then comes back and says it's not there. I know it is. I send her back. Repeat. About 5 times. Then I walk to the place. locate the item in THE EXACT place, and grit my teeth. This is over and over and over.
I am soo happy to have hooked you on yet another useless tool! Awesome having you along for #gno.
See you after finals??
HI! Just visiting all the #gno ladies! That is a great photo of your Dad! I have a few of my Dad just like that. I think I have one of him coming out of a pit toilet at a campground and he has this horrified look on his face that I'm actually taking the picture!
I am so happy the dress was found especially with all the meaning and emotional ties to it. My heart sank when I read it was missing. I so know how some things can become very important when you lose someone you love.
This post made my day!!
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