Wednesday, May 6, 2015

New Year's Resolve

You know, do you ever look at yourself in May and think, hey, I should blog about my New Year's resolutions?

Ha, yeah, apparently ME EITHER.

So I don't do resolutions, but Mr. RH and I decided to do a few things together this year.  And by "do things" I mean catch up on each other's favorite TV shows.  So on January 1st, we started watching two programs:  Grey's Anatomy and Sons of Anarchy.  I'm not sure if you'll know which of us prefers which show... but I thought the ratio of 92 episodes of Sons to 250 episodes of Grey's.... seems totally fair.

Things were going great with Sons until Jax and Tara had sex right next to a dead body.  After that... well, we haven't watched another episode since January.  I'm traumatized, and I need to not associate dead bodies with sex, even if Jax is delicious, ok?

Since January, we've been watching Grey's.  You see, Grey's and I go back to 2005, when I was a senior in high school and life was so different.  The series premiered while I was on spring break in Key West with my family - and I had seen commercials about it.  I'm pretty sure I berated my family to be "home" to our hotel (condo?) so I could watch the premiere.  I. was. hooked.

I introduced it to everyone I met in college, and I remember our first night in the dorms, crowding into a couple of loft beds to watch the fall 2006 episodes, and I sobbed with my college roommate on our futon after the Superbowl to watch "the bomb episode".  Gah.

Part of me wishes that Grey's had ended after it's major heyday, maybe sometime in the neighborhood of the time Izzy got cancer?  But then again.... I think there were some episodes after that were some of the best Grey's I've seen... so who knows.

So we're somewhere in season 8, kind of past the major heyday of Grey's... but it's just one of those shows that knows me, ya know?  And then, a couple weeks ago social media officially informed me of the spoiler I really didn't want to know.


I had to give up my Grey's several years ago, when Mr. RH and I were dating and I no longer had time to park myself in front of the TV every Thursday night.  I gave up McDreamy for my McDreamy... so I guess it was a good trade-off? 

Luckily, my McDreamy is paying it forward now by letting us catch up.  Poor guy, he's dying.  He says it's literally the worst television since... well, since Izzy did CPR on a dead deer. 

Excellent point, my McDreamy.  Excellent point. 

5 Classy Comments:

Casey @Waffling said...

I used to watch Grey's, but then there was a season finale that was a total shit show and basically broke all the characters hearts and no happy ending for anyone and I just gave up. I didnt have time for that drama in my life!

Jessie Jones said...

Greys has gotten so bad. But I still watch. I'm not sure what that says about me.

R said...

As I read this I am watching the series finale of Sons. It's such a twisted awful show but like a car wreck you just can't turn away. As for Greys, as bad as it's gotten and as far away from the original cast as it goes I still watch. And cry. And laugh like crazy as I re-watch it on Netflix and see Callie and Bailey talking sex.

Sonya said...

I don't remember watching the first season when it happened, but I do remember watching the DVD on a laptop with all of us crowded on a twin bed while I was studying in England during the summer of 2006. Even though I'm sad about McDreamy there are still so many good moments that I keep watching. I'm just sad that he can't come back at the end.

Candace Shiflet said...

I've never watched Gray's but I know so many people who LOVE it! makes me think I should hop on that bandwagon haha I;m currently watching switched at birth on Netflix and it's pretty good!
xo, Candace | Lovely Little Rants

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