Monday, September 21, 2009

It's All Craazy...

Is it me or is time flying? Because seriously, where do the days go??

So here's the rundown of my week (fascinating, I know!):

  • Today: Highlights/Lowlights/Haircut/Trim/Etc. Followed by Job Searching.
  • Tuesday: House Cleaning/Grocery Shopping/Laundry
  • Wednesday: Laundry (OMG it's seriously out of control)/Shopping for Gifts
  • Thursday: Shopping/ Scout Photo Locations for Photo Shoot on Saturday/Party in Downtown Indy
  • Friday: Shopping/ Pick up Ex-Roomie at Airport/ Meet 2 Other Friends at My House
  • Saturday: My Friend's Wedding/ Photo Shoot for Engaged Friends/ Wedding Reception/ Sleepover
  • Sunday: Brunch/Shopping/Say Goodbye
So... on one hand it doesn't seem like I have a lot going on... and on the other hand I feel like a chicken with my head cut off.

I started freaking out on Friday because I don't have anything to wear to the wedding on Saturday.

I have the options above. I wore the first one (on the left) at the wedding in June and the 2nd one at the wedding in July... so I kind of discounted those two. Since I will be seeing a lot of the same people at this upcoming wedding... I feel like I need something fresh.


I went to The Limited yesterday and they were having a fabulous sale... EVERYTHING in the store was buy 1, get 1 free. They didn't seem to have any dresses in the store (this was after I combed TJ Maxx, Macy's, and several other stores), so I was bummed.

But when I got to the back of the store, they had a lone dress on the clearance rack that was kinda cute.

I'm not sure that it photographs well at all... what do you think? In this pic I draped a scarf/shawl over my shoulder - which is how I'd wear it at the wedding.

And since I picked out the dress, I got a free item! I couldn't find any clothes that I needed, so I picked out this necklace. Now that I see the picture of it... I'm not in love. Opinions, please?

And last but not least, I decided I had to have a new purse before I see all my friends this weekend. I was getting pretty ashamed of the old skanky one!

Instead of committing to one I couldn't afford... I got one from Target! I've already had half a dozen compliments on it, so I'm feeling fabulous about that purchase.

I'm off to get showered for my big haircut... not quite sure what I'm going to do yet... I better go figure it out!

Happy Monday!

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P.S. Come back tomorrow and I'll talk makeup!

26 Classy Comments:

Fashion Face said...

I love your purse! If you hadn't told me it was target I wouldn't even know!

The Ratpack said...

That black and white clearance dress is a winner!! And with a shawl, that's perfect for a September wedding!

Also I LOVE love the 1st black dress. Such a cute shape! I also love the blues - its a really good color on you! Is that last blue dress Maggy London? It looks exactly like a dress I dress I have in a print. You will hot with your cute dress and fresh highlights! Watch out single groomsmen!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the last dress on the right in "your" color :) Can't wait to see pics of your new hair!

alyssa said...

i am liking the dress on the right with some black tights!! it will look totally different!! have fun!!

Sole Matters said...

i like the purse, but dont really like the necklace. i like the last 2 dresses the best in the picture where you have them side by side.

Unknown said...

Love the the purse. Not a big fan of the necklace, though. I'm sorry.

Mrs. Hanson said...

I love the dress! I think it looks great with the shawl :) I like the necklace but I think it may be too matchy matchy with the dress!

As far as the purse- LOVE IT!

Leanne said...

Dresses 4 and 5 are fab... I'm having a hard time deciding which one I like better... but both look amazing on you.

Annie said...

i am in love with your purse and for that price, i think i need it!!
i really like the dress from limited, looks great on you!

Breadwinner Wife said...

The new dress is great, as is the purse! I love Target purses.

Ashley said...

Hey, girl! I have the black and white Limited dress (can you guess that it's my favorite store?). It's great & looks beautiful on your. Have fun!

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

I love how you put all the dress pictures together? Was that in Picasa or something -- amazing to be able to compare them that way! I love the neckline of the first (but since you just wore that one), then I love the third. It looks great on you and has a fun little pattern!

Children of the 90s said...

I love the blue dress pictured on the far right. It would be great to wear for a wedding!

Rae said...

Hi! I just found your blog and I love it! I found you through looking at the September Shredders blog. I too am shredding. Today is Day 19 for me. I love Shredding! I love the Target long sleeve tee you have. Do you know the exact name of it cause I'd love one? I LOVE their v-neck short sleeved has a tiny pocket on the one side. I now have 3. :) Anyway, I look forward to reading your blog!

Cheerful Homemaker said...

I like the new dress! And the purse! Cute, cute, cute!

The last wedding I went to, I packed a dress I didn't love. I ended up finding one to wear at Wal-Mart of all places.

Stephanie said...

I love your new dress and that purse is awesome. I love finding things on sale.

Little Miss Diva said...

I love the 5th dress! It's gorgeous.

Krista said...

Oh girl, I wish we could go shopping together! LOVE the purse, dress, and necklace. Honestly, I think you rock that necklace. If you don't wear the new dress to the wedding, I vote for #5 -- the blue one that you haven't worn yet. Have a great week/weekend!

Wearing Mascara said...

Okay so I love the dress and the purse. I'm not really feeling the necklace unless it was with the right outfit. either way, I think you did very well for yourself! I'm bummed I may have missed that sale! xoxo

Blackeyed Susan said...

First off, LOVE the purse!

The black dress on the left is my favorite, and June wasss a while ago :) Maybe try a belt or one of those "bib" necklaces to make it look different without changing the flattering silhouette.

Rachel said...

I love the purple dress, it looks the best on you in my opinion :)

In This Wonderful Life said...

I like the new dress! I also like the blue one on the end. SO pretty!! they all are...

Leslie said...

I like the middle dress and the new dress. The necklace I am not in love with, and if you get sick of the purse let me know, I will private message you my address!

*K said...

LOVE the blue dress all the way on the right.

Andhari said...

From all the dresses, I like the right on, so body fitting. I like dresses like that :)

Jen said...

I love your new dress! So cute. Make sure you take a picture of the dress you end up wearing to the wedding.

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