Thursday, August 22, 2013

Showered in Lovely

As I mentioned earlier this week, a beautiful bridal shower was thrown in my honor on Sunday.  I was pretty excited heading into the party, but it blew away even my expectations!

There were a couple of games, delicious food, more presents than I'm ever going to know what to do with (but I'll try!), and just enough time with some of my most precious ladies.

First, some of the details... 

The red velvet cupcakes were DELICIOUS!

Gorgeous blue mason jars with cute straws... I need more of those straws.

Straight cheesin...

I had a sweet, small guest at the shower who was just absolutely thrilled to have her picture taken the entire time.  She was a precious little ham! 

One of the games involved me chewing gum.... and of course, thus trying to blow a bubble.  Unfortunately, I couldn't get my act together for the camera!

With the gorgeous bridesmaids in attendance....

Notice me cheesing?  Haha, anything for a smile! 

With my giant bouquet.  

And last but not least, with the generous hostesses.

It was an absolutely wonderful day, and I am still feeling quite blessed. 

It's definitely feeling SO real... I can't believe I'm getting married in less than a month! 


  1. Looks like a wonderful day! Lovely pictures

  2. I love that blazer! Such a great color on you!

  3. What fun! You look beautiful and the details of your shower were so thoughtful! Hooray!

  4. You looked SO happy and beaming - being a bride agrees with you! I love that Mr. RH was able to pop in on all of the girls!

  5. What a sweet shower! I love that the fiancee was able to get in some of the pictures.

  6. In our family we have a horrid bubble gum game that is used at showers. Once I had to do it, I made sure everyone had to do it. Basically you answer questions about your fiance and if you get it wrong you get a huge piece of bubble yum. It was pretty awful. I had to stop when I got to the point of pretty much choking on it.
