Wednesday, August 21, 2013

1 Month.

You GUYS.   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I literally never thought we would make it to this day.  And now that it's here.... I wish it wasn't!  There are so many little things that I want to spend intentionally on so many things.... but there is a very good chance I will run out of time for that.

The only feeling I have right now is just complete surrealism.   In a month I will go "home" to our new apartment.... and never leave! 

I don't even know whether to be super excited to super afraid!  

All I have to say is... HOLY CRAP.

Let the games begin!

Also... let the checklist start to feel like a noose around my neck.  GULP.

  • Gift for Groom - maybe we can splurge for something on the honeymoon?
  • Wedding Jewelry - I think I'm ordering a smaller pair on Etsy - the chandeliers are just too much.  
  • Garter - ain't got time.
  • Guest Book
  • Finalize Flower-Girl Dresses - ordered! 
  • Flower Girl Shoes - Target to the rescue!?  I hope!
  • DIY Toasting Flutes - I've got an idea....
  • Bridesmaids Gifts – half of it came in the mail, ordering the other half today
  • Rehearsal Dinner Dress
  • Cake Stand and Server - borrowing MOH's
  • Gifts for Parents - maybe just write them a sweet card?
  • Book Videographer - shouldn't this decision have been made by now?  UGH!
  • Rehearsal Dinner - working on head count
  • Music List to DJ
    • Mr. RH wants me to toss the bouquet and do a dollar dance (which freaks me out).  He wants a more structured reception, and I am hoping guests don't need that much direction.  Yay, let's hash things out with 30 days to go.
  • Rehearsal Dinner Activities - fun game with prizes?
  • Find out if I passed the Natural Family Planning class – after I bugged the lady, she sent me the completion letter via email.  DONE. 
  • Update Wedding Website - this needs major help
  • Update Registry
  • Find a Makeup Artist
  • Hair Trial - Wednesday before the wedding
  • Makeup Trial
  • Second (Potentially Final?) Dress Fitting - August 21st - um, well, I'm not planning on going today.  OOPS!
  • Meet with Florist and Finalize Flowers, Centerpieces
  • Start to Create Centerpieces –I've started on it.... but of course humidity is killing my spray-painting mojo.
  • Address and Mail Invitations - DONE
  • Photo Wish-List for Photographer - see my pinterest account?
  • Book Bridal Party Transportation from Wedding to Reception
  • Bridal Emergency Kit – put it together.  
  • Bachelorette Party
  • Bridal Shower 
  • Shower Thank-You-Notes
  • Moving Into Newlywed Apartment
  • Get Marriage License
  • Have Lace Bolero/Wrap (required by church) Tailored 
  • Order Engagement Photo Prints, Canvas, Etc
  • Confirm Rehearsal Dinner with Priest, Bridal Party
  • Wedding Day Itinerary and Schedule (for family and bridal party)
  • Choose Readings for Ceremony
  • Write personalized “intentions” for ceremony. 
  • Find Ceremony Readers, Gift Bearers
  • Pick Ceremony Musicians, Music. 
  • Ceremony Programs
  • Say “I Do”
  • Verify Getaway Car Transportation  (Wedding Week-Of)
  • Candy Bar – order candy, find containers to use.
  • Tasting for Reception Venue
  • Head Count and Final Menu to Caterer – September 6th
  • Seating Chart
  • Escort Cards
  • Kid-Friendly Reception Entertainment
  • Make “Card Box” for Reception
  • Order Sparklers for Sparkler Exit
  • Coordinate who will be responsible for gifts after wedding - MOH's parents, my dad
  • Tips for Staff
  • Going-Away Outfit?
  • Honeymoon - booked plane tickets....
  • Arrange for Tuxes to be Returned 
  • Thank You Notes


  1. Seriously this list almost made me cry. Not because I miss ANY of this, but because apparently I have a little PTSD that I need to fix.

    In 1 month and 1 week you will be so relaxed, relieved, have had the wedding of your dreams and will be on a beach with your RH HUSBAND.

    Hang in there girl. Breathe. Call me if you feel like jumping.


  2. With one month to go let's simplify some things.

    Rehearsal Dinner Dress - reuse the navy/white polka dot one from engagement pics or white one from shower.

    Gift for Parents - cards for the wedding and then make a gift post wedding incorporating a wedding pic. For great cards check out this Etsy seller -

    Music List to DJ - give them the must have songs (10 or so) and then just let him pick/play/take requests. That's what you are paying him for.

    Update Wedding Website - seems like a great job for a bridesmaid or Mr. RH - delegate!

    Rehearsal Dinner Activities - don't need them. Let people eat and enjoy.

    I have the names of a few makeup artists based out of Indy - they may travel. Let me know if you want the contact info.

    Create Centerpieces - host a craft party afternoon with a couple of friends and KNOCK IT OUT!!

    Photo Wish-list for Photographer - print your Pinterest page as a PDF and emailed it to the photographer (how to:

    Wedding Day Itinerary and Schedule - have a married friend help with this and don't worry about making it all cutesy.

    Card Box - - can't you just buy something or rent one from your venue?

    Okay, there is my opinion on some of the items. Feel free to totally ignore. :-)

  3. Love your list b/c it's a great way for me to check to see if I'm forgetting things too! Thank you Kimberly for the wonderful tip about printing the Pinterest page - you rock!!! I totally agree about just reusing one of the dresses. Both are adorable and perfect.

  4. I agree you can simplify some things to be good to yourself.

    Agree with Kimberly on rehearsal dinner dress. New accessories with your shower dress and boom! Perfect new look.

    Skip the going away outfit. You only get to wear your wedding dress one night in your whole life, but you will have plenty of future opportunities to wear cute sundress type things. You'll have a second look anyway, since I think it sounds like you are ditching the bolero after the ceremony.

    Heartfelt cards all thew ay. We skiped gifts and never regretted it.

    Don't worry about the website.

    Have a bridesmaid assemble your emergency kit with safety pins, etc.

    Sit down one night before this weekend and order everything that needs to be ordered online ASAP--especially your prints and canvases. You don't want to throw money away on rush shipping or stress about stuff having not arrived yet.

    For games at your rehearsal dinner, ask someone to bring board games and especially catchphrase. Done and done, don't worry about it yourself and don't use the effort to come up with cutesy games. We played catchphrase and it was epic, no prep work required!

    One to do item not written out on your list, unless I missed it, is calling everyone who has not RSVP'd by your cut-off date. That's a good Mr. RH task.

    I love the phrase--if you want something done, give it to someone who is busy. One thing at a time, you'll get it done!

  5. Have you decided what you're doing for a guest book? I keep going back and forth on what i want to do.
