Thursday, August 8, 2013

A Bright Light

Every once and a while, I realize that I never paint a full picture of my life on the blog.  It's just too difficult, and each day has so many highs and lows - nobody wants to read allllll about that. 

But I did leave out one major, happiness-inducing thing that's happening in my life this Sunday.  I'm almost so excited about it I can barely type! 

This Sunday, my goddaughter will be baptized.

That's right - I'm going to be a godmother!  I couldn't be any more shocked or surprised than you are.

I got a phone call at work a couple of weeks ago - which freaked me out, I only usually get phone calls in life-or-death emergencies, so I excused myself to take the call.  It had been a weird day already, and I was bracing for the worst.

My friend, sensing my panic, told me that everything was great but she needed to ask me something.  She stared to talk and I promptly burst into tears and got SO excited.  Apparently so excited that she needed me to clarify whether or not I would actually be sweet Julia's godmother. 

And so, this Sunday, I will witness my sweet goddaughter be baptized into the Catholic Church. 

I can tell that she and I were meant to be godmother and goddaughter... I mean, hello, look at our style choices!

I commented on facebook that I wanted a big-girl size of her outfit... but lo and behold, I already had one.

I basically don't know anything about this godmothering business, and I honestly didn't think I would ever be anyone's godmother. 

She already has a crucifix to hang on her bedroom wall, so I'm thinking of getting her a special cross necklace - the school symbol of Saint Mary's - a French Cross. 

Unfortunately, I probably can't get one in time - so I may just pick up some children's bible stories books to gift her in the meantime.

Anything else I need to know about being a godmother?

I'm seriously just thrilled to pieces. 


  1. Being a godmother is great! it gives you lots of practice for when you are ready to be a mom! :)

  2. Oh my goodness - that is so exciting. Growing up, my Godparents were a VERY large part of my life, and I always felt a very special connection with them. You are going to be such a good godmommy!!!

  3. The add a pearl necklace is a great gift idea also!!
