Friday, August 9, 2013

Engagement Photos - For Real!

Soo.... something big happened and for some reason - I didn't explode it all over this blog.  Weird. 

However, I did explode it all over instagram, so the surprise might be over.  We got our engagement photos back!!

I KNOW.  I can't believe I haven't sporadically posted them over the course of a week, either. 

I'm thinking that I'm going to order 2 canvases and thank-you cards with the pictures on them... but hot damn, I can't imagine picking!!  We have 173 photos to choose from, and I quickly narrowed it down to 22 photos.  Yes, I'm impressed with myself.

I don't think I can post all of them today because I don't have the patience... but don't worry, they will get posted eventually!

I'm having a hard time picking a picture for Thank You cards... some of them just feel a little intimate to send out to everyone we know. 

As for the canvases I want to order.... since they'll eventually end up in our home, I want them to be the best of the best. 

And... spoiler alert (although I'm not posting any), Mr. RH and I are gross kissers.  Or kissing is just not that photogenic?  I'm not quite sure which.

And now, blah blah out of the way, THE PHOTOS.  I am expecting all of you to comment or tweet me with your favorites.  OKAY?

(All photos were taken by CarisDesign.... you should hire them.  Facebook and websites).

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What do you think?  Any crowd favorites? 

I can't wait to post them all!!!


  1. I think #7 would be a good thank you card choice because you could send that one to anyone! I love #3 & #5!! Beautiful photos!!

  2. These photos have such a classic feel to them, I just adore. I love them all, I really like the 1st one only one smidge more than my obsession with all of the others.

  3. I love them all!!!! I think #6 or #7 would be good for thank you cards!

  4. Number one is my favorite, but you really can't go wrong with any of them. So gorgeous!

  5. Numbers 6 and 7 would be perfect for that, but number 3 is my FAVE! Love them, Sarah!

  6. I love 2 and 6. Both appropriate for thank you notes or maybe the canvas.

  7. They're all great, but I like 6 and 7 the best. I think 7 would be perfect for your thank you cards.

  8. Number 5 is my favorite, but I think Number 6 is more thank you card material. What if you made a collage for the thank you cards? Then you could showcase several of your favorites!

  9. That last one is a stunner. Excellent of both of you...

  10. nice pics...
    you can buy your desire product from this store

  11. I love #1 or #6. Y'all are such a cute couple. I so want to crash your wedding :) so happy for you! <3 Becky

  12. They're beautiful! I love #5-6 the most!

  13. Such lovely photos! I love the last one as a Thank you card option
