Wednesday, August 7, 2013

2 Years. 45/44 Days.

Two years ago today, Mr. RH told me he loved me for the first time.  And in 45 days (or 44 days, if you go by the countdown app and it's after 4 pm), I will be walking down the aisle to meet him. 

The last time I updated The List was at 75 days.  Thirty days ago.  And holyshit I haven't really crossed off much at all.  There is SO MUCH going on at work, and my days off are getting cut here, there, and everywhere.

So.  The list.If you have any insight into something I've missed, you KNOW I want to know about it!  I've also removed a lot of the things that are done.... but of course, that makes my list look extra sparse!  Eep!

  • Gift for Groom - maybe we can splurge for something on the honeymmoon?
  • Wedding Jewelry - Returned earrings, repurchased them (with more cash back thanks to ebates!)…. I still can’t decide if the chandeliers are too big for the ceremony. 
  • Garter - I think I want one.  Haven't ordered it.
  • Guest Book - Do I want to use a photo or something more basic/generic?
  • Finalize Flower-Girl Dresses
  • Toasting Flutes - on the registry...
  • Bridesmaids Gifts - got part of it ordered, but haven't heard a peep about when it's shipping.
  • Rehearsal Dinner Dress - I've scoured the internet and haven't found the one.
  • Cake Stand and Server - I want.  
  • Gifts for Parents - maybe just write them a sweet card?
  • Book Videographer - still struggling over this.  My dad, head of the finances, says unequivocally NO.  Not sure if we can swing what I want otherwise.  Also, I have 6 paychecks until this wedding.  Not enough.
  • Rehearsal Dinner - work out which relatives will be in town and see how this changes the head count
  • Music List to DJ
    • Toss the Bouquet?  How do we feel about this?  I kinda feel bad doing it… it’s cute when everyone’s younger, but I feel like it’s more awkward now that so many people are married.
  • Rehearsal Dinner Activities - fun game with prizes?
  • Find out if I passed the Natural Family Planning class - still waiting
  • Update Wedding Website - this needs major help
  • Update Registry
  • Find a Makeup Artist - this may be considered tacky or low-rent... but I think I may ask my favorite Clinique lady to do my makeup and just get some heavy-duty setting spray.  She did a pretty spectacular job on the engagement photos.
  • Hair Trial - Wednesday before the wedding
  • Makeup Trial
  • Second (Potentially Final?) Dress Fitting - August 21st
  • Meet with Florist and Finalize Flowers
  • Start to Create Centerpieces – haven't done a thing
  • Address and Mail Invitations - DONE
  • Photo Wish-List for Photographer - see my pinterest account?
  • Book Bridal Party Transportation from Wedding to Reception
  • Bridal Emergency Kit – put it together.  Now, seriously.
  • Bachelorette Party
  • Bridal Shower - August18th – just got a tiny sneak peek on the invite.  DYING.
  • Moving Into Newlywed Apartment – August 15th.  Not a lot going on that week or anything.  WOOF.
  • Get Marriage License
  • Have Lace Bolero/Wrap (required by church) Tailored 
  • Second/Final Dress Fittings
  • Order Engagement Photo Prints, Canvas, Etc
  • Confirm Rehearsal Dinner with Priest, Bridal Party
  • Wedding Day Itinerary and Schedule (for family and bridal party)
  • Meet the new priest who will be marrying us.  Find out if we have to take more per-marital counseling.  Our original priest will be marrying us.  
  • Choose Readings for Ceremony
  • Find Ceremony Readers, Gift Bearers
  • Pick Ceremony Musicians, Music.  
  • Ceremony Programs
  • Say “I Do”
  • Verify Getaway Car Transportation  (Wedding Week-Of)
  • Candy Bar – order candy, find containers to use.
  • Tasting for Reception Venue
  • Head Count and Final Menu to Caterer – September 6th
  • Seating Chart
  • Place Cards
  • Kid-Friendly Entertainment – coloring pages, crayons, etc
  • Make “Card Box” for Reception
  • It might be cheesy, but I really need to have a "sparkler exit" at the reception
  • Coordinate who will be responsible for gifts after wedding
  • Tips for Staff
  • Going-Away Outfit
  • Honeymoon - booked flights and a condo in Florida starting the day after the wedding
  • Arrange for Tuxes to be Returned
  • Order Thank-You Notes
I feel like there HAS to be more I'm forgetting.  This list seems LONG but manageable, especially if Mr. RH is going to continue to be my main phone man (aka making all the phone calls that takes me 2 hours to make). 

So.  44 days.  Or 45, depending on who's counting.



  1. Looks like manageable little things, but you're right, putting it in list form certainly lights a fire under your ass.

    I couldn't help but show you this- for the kids coloring pages, I'm not sure if you've found something, but I found a printable on Pinterest that was SO CUTE. I then just bought a 64 pack of crayons and tied bundles of 3 with twine. Super easy. Posted about it here:

  2. I had my make up done at Clinique...I just bought a few products :).
    See if a friend will videotape the ceremony. It will be amateur, but you'll have it...for free!
    Everything will be fine! :)

  3. You are WELL on your way.

    One thing I will say - order your Thank You notes now, don't wait until after the wedding. I had them ready to go right when I got home from the Honeymoon and I jumped right in, which made life a lot easier.

  4. my husband and i skipped gifts to each other. just cards and our rings. and of course the honeymoon was a gift to ourselves too. we had already spent enough money so buying something else seemed silly.
    i did not do a bouquet toss or a garter since my friends were older and mostly married. instead we did a couples dance and the dj called off number of years married. you then stepped off the dance floor when he called your number. the couple left dancing was the one married the longest and got my toss bouquet.
    we used my parents cake server from their wedding. their names were engraved on one side and ours on another.
    skipped the guest book and put out cards that people could write advice or a message on and drop into a hurricane vase.
    don't worry it will all get done somehow. round up your bridesmaids one night if you can to work on the crafty stuff. and remember years from now when you are loving on a little one none of the little things from your wedding will even matter. just that you had a beautiful day with family, friends and hubby.

  5. my cousin is having a local college student majoring in film video her wedding! that might be worth looking into. much cheaper than a professional (i think she's paying her about $200)

  6. Wow, quite a list but good thing that you're organised enough to have it all down.
    I gave hubby a watch and he gave me a bracelet - this was our jewellery on the day too. so it was actually a pre-wedding gift. We knew what we were getting but not the specific details.
    I think you need to delegate - bridesmaids can get garters and do the Bridal emergency kit!
    Good luck for the last stretch!

  7. Skip the gift to him unless you've discussed doing it. We skipped and put that money towards something for our house. Video-I was adamant that we had this.....what a waste we've watched it twice. I don't think it's EVER been watched all the way through by anyone. See if you can find a film student from a local school even technical school. If that fails I'm sure you have a family member that could video the ceremony! I know some people love having a video and consider it so important. I was one of those people now looking back I wished id spent that money on something else!!!! Parents gifts-we did a sweet card and a little homemade gift card giving them the wedding photos of their choice in an album/book. Cake stand and serving set this was on my original list and I decide to scratch and use the caterers! The Clinique lady is not tacky especially if you have used her before and our comfortable!!

  8. You're doing great!! I got married in June and I was a mega stress case beforehand. Now.. a good 6 weeks out.. my advice (if it makes you feel like your list is a wee bit smaller) would be to skip the groom gift and the bouquet toss. For the groom gift, we decided that we were spending so much $ on random things that it was unnecessary. I skipped the bouquet toss because many of my friends are married and it would have involved 4 of my dear friends and a handful of cousins standing awkwardly in front of everyone. Also, have you looked at Shutterfly's guest photo book template? It is really cute. That's what we did and it was fun! I put basically every good photo we have taken together since we started dating in there. Highly recommend!

  9. I loved your make-up for your engagement pictures. I would go with that same lady again.

  10. Do you have an emergency kit for the day of? SAFETY pins, bobby pins, meds, hairspray etc. I bought a pre-made one online and it was the best thing I did. I zipped my dress up at the last minute only to find out I had lost so much stress weight in the few days since my fitting, my dress fell right off!

    Groom gift idea: I got personalized cufflinks for my husband. I chose a picture of his beloved car and had someone on Etsy make them into cufflinks. He LOVES them.
