Monday, June 10, 2013

Two Years.

Two years ago today, a sweet, kind boy with long, curly hair walked into my life and, for the most part, never walked back out.

Who are those kids?

It has been quite the year for the two of us, and part of me can't believe there's another year on the books.... although, sometimes, it feels like it's been even longer than a year.

It's been a year of some high highs and some low lows... luckily, even when I'm pretty sure I want to smack you - there's nobody else I'd rather smack.  I know, the feeling is mutual.  :)

As we talked about our anniversary this year, it was hard to get excited or plan anything memorable with our big day only 103 days away.  We played it very low key, ate salads from McAlisters, and went for a lazy walk through the neighborhood.

It was a really good day.

Happy Anniversary, handsome.


  1. aaaah, too cute!
    And I agree, don't do anything big on the anniversary before your wedding day. We did the same. Rather appreciate the quiet before the madness sets in!

  2. Tomorrow marks my 8 year anniversary with Dave and today marks exactly 11 months till our wedding day. Kind of crazy! Happy anniversary, you two! And here's to a lifetime of more anniversaries (two per year - celebrate both!)

  3. awwww, happy two years!

    Andrew and I are two years in August and I can't wait!! And yes, I'm impatiently waiting for the ring!

  4. y'all are precious! happy anniversary!
