Friday, June 7, 2013

Happy Birthday Husband-to-Be!!

As I woke up this morning, a huge smile crossed my face.  And then a huge frown.

Today is my future husband's birthday!  Cue confetti!  And I kinda-sorta have nothing planned.  Cue face-grimace.

I'm making a delicious chocolate dessert, we have lunch plans with his family, and plans for an early night out at the movies.  No, I can't tell you if he's turning 24 or 64.

Birthdays are a funny thing around here.  I love Mr. RH's because it makes him a year closer to my age - and suddenly I'm reverse-aging!

 In my head, I wanted today to be a Big! Over the Top!  Exciting! day.... but in reality, it will be much more low key.  Kisses, cake, and maybe a teeeny bit of wedding-planning.

Oh wait, I think Mr. RH's only wish this year was STOP THE Wedding-Planning MADNESS.  Sorry, boo, I just have so many IDEAS.

Dear Husband-to-Be,

Happy Birthday!  I am so glad you come into this world on such an awesome date (6/7/89), and I thank GOD daily that you weren't born in the '90s, cause I can't see myself stooping to such a low age level.  We should really talk to your mom about why you weren't born a year or two earlier, actually.

I intended to really do it up big this year, but life seems to have gotten in the way yet again.  I'm very thankful that you are here, and that you are mine.  You're the most charming, sweet, handsome guy I've ever met.    Can't wait for a hundred more birthdays together.  The best is yet to come.

Your Future Wife.
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Today also marks the third birthday of another special boy that came into my life via the internet.

 Cohen, though your time on earth was short, I think of you all the time.

Happy Birthday, Cohen!

Sending love to Megan, Brent, and Cohen's siblings today.

(Mom, you know the drill.  Big cake, bright frosting.  Miss you.)

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday, Mr. RH. Yesterday was my daughter's birthday. She almost had good numbers, too: 6/6/67.
