Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Random Wedding Obsessions

Sometimes, I get so caught up on random details that I stay up at night thinking about them.  Some people say this isn't normal.... I am for certain not normal.

Lately, I've been thinking about invitations and how behind I am at getting them ordered.  You win some, you lose some.

Today, it's return address stamps.

You see, I have been informed that all parts of wedding invitations should be hand-lettered.

That, my friends, is for CRAZY PEOPLE with way too much free time.

I was going to get an embosser for the return address, but then I found some cute return address stamps.

I think the one above is more formal... but then again... the one below is pretty classic.

Both stamps are from this shop - so cheap and pretty cute. 

Yes, no, maybe so?

If you tell me I need to hand-address invitations I may start sending you hate mail.  Just saying.


  1. Are you using your new address? I would say go for it. Less hand pain and cheaper than having to pay someone to do it for you.

  2. All my addressees were hand written only because I had my mom do it. We had our address printed on the invites and it matched. It's just a touch nicer. I hate getti invites when it's printed on a label,

  3. I ended up paying the extra money to get them printed on there. It wasn't worth the headache to do it myself.

    I always wanted one of those stamps but I knew we wouldn't be at that address for long.

  4. I've thought about getting a stamp too. Are you using your maiden name and Dad's address? I didn't know whether to do old or new since it's the invite.

  5. I bought a really cute rubberstamp from Etsy with our new address as the "return" address on the back. We actually just started stamping ours last weekend, though we're not mailing them until August.

    Traditionally the return address would be whoever is "hosting" your wedding, but most of us twenty-somethings are doing the heavy lifting (and check-writing?) ourselves... so we used our own. :)

    Guests' addresses are definitely not going to be handwritten on ours, don't even sweat it! I mean, if I knew calligraphy, I'd go for it... but as it stands, we're going to find a beautiful font (I like Coneria!) and print them directly onto the envelopes. Spencer has a plan.

    For my sister's invitations a few weeks back, we printed them (with another nice font!) onto clear address labels, which worked really well. And I don't think it's tacky. :) (Though I'm biased.)

  6. maybe the people who think you should hand write the return address can come over and hand-write all 100+ of them for you, eh? F that shit, hard.

    I tend to think address labels with white backgrounds are tacky, but clear don't offend me. I've even been sent invites that are clear address labeled for OUR address portion.

    I got a return address stamp, too. It gives it the handwritten vibe, without all the work. Actually, I posted about it today! (link is in my profile, if you want to check it out. haha)

  7. I hand addressed all of our save the dates and our invites. 200+. Death.

  8. I was going to say no because you'll in with B after the wedding and will obviously want the RSVPs to come to your dad's house. Buuuuut... then I saw the prices. Go for it.

    For what it's worth, I put all of my envelopes through the printer. No way did I have time to hand-address all of them! I'm not offended when wedding invitations arrive with address labels either. I'm just happy they spell my name correctly.

  9. I put my envelopes through my printer, too. The return address on the invite and the the to address on the RSVP card went pretty quickly--but my husband did the heavy lifting on setting up the address to print on each invite.

    I got a monogram stamp from Three Designing Women and still use it all the time four years later. I didn't go with the address one because I thought we'd move often (go figure, we have not moved in four years) but I love mine AND still wish I had an address one. I use my wedding monogram stamp to "seal" all of my correspondence. I used that monogram stamp on EVERYTHING at our wedding--on the top of our handmade menu cards, on the front page of our program books, etc., etc., etc. Probably got the most mileage of anything I bought for the wedding.

  10. I think you're ok to use labels for the return address. Some people would say don't use labels for the guest's address or print them via a printer. I printed them and they turned out fine.

  11. I am going to be printing the return address and mail to addresses for our wedding invitations. However, I did buy a stamp with just our first initials and current address (luckily we already live together and are staying there for a while post wedding) to use for thank you cards, etc.

  12. I love the look of handwritten, but I also know what a pain that could be. Have you seen some of the handwritten style stamps? Cost a bit more, but have that handwritten look.


    I had one for my home address... which is somewhat useless now that I live 1500 miles away at school.

  13. we made wrap-around labels for our envelopes, so i could match the fonts on the labels to the fonts on our invitations, AND the colors.

    plus, then it was hella easy to mail merge our address list and print the heck out of those bad boys. no regrets.

  14. I would for sure get a stamp.... but is it super expensive to just have the return address printed on the envelope? I thought that was the norm.

  15. Do the stamp. I wish I had. No idea how many hours it took me to hand address everything and I'm sure those with last names towards the end of the alphabet got some pretty janky looking ones.
