Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wine Wednesday: Throwback Edition

Happy Wine Wednesday, everybody!!

For real, is there a week that has EVER needed wine more?  It's funny, I can't think of anything particularly bad or challenging that's happened this week... it just feels like the never-ending week. 

So, I just browsed through some of my old Wine Wednesday posts... some of them were so fun!  Like me trying to ride a bike.  And gosh, flowers... do you even remember what those look like?  It's so gray outside I can't even remember there ever being color.... anywhere.

Anyways, I found this photo way back from October 5th... so obvs I am posting it in a timely fashion.

I actually made a pact with myself lately - no more wine purchasing.  I, at one time, had amassed quite the stash for any old occasion.  Impromptu bachelor soiree for an employee at work?  No sweat, just hit the closet.   

I've depleted most of my stash (I've got about 4 bottles left, but most of them are repeats of old "Wine Wednesday" posts so it hardly seems rational to post them AGAIN.)  I guess I could place them in new contextual wine settings.

(Oh dear God, please make this post stop.)

But I really like these Wine Wednesday posts, and I think it's funny to see the different places I've lived/been.  

So, I am on a SUPER budget (read: no Dom Perignon will be gracing my belly)... but I think I need to bring Wine Wednesday back.  Even if it's not on a Wednesday. 

Are you WITH ME?! 

Where's your favorite/cheap place to buy wine?  I'm going to be near a Trader Joe's, one of my personal faves, this weekend... but of course it's on Sunday and crazy Indiana law bans me from getting my drink on on Sunday.  LAME.

Moving along.

Blah for gloomy, rainy days.  Hope the sun is shining wherever you are.

Happy Wine Wednesday!!


  1. Moscato or Reisling...Barefoot brand. I love it and it's very inexpensive. Enjoy!

  2. You do not even have to ask me if I'm with you! I TOTES am.

    I'm mainly a red wine drinker, until July, but I try to be fair to all grapes whenever possible.

  3. I see why this isn't linking to my profile....because I was signed into my personal gmail.


  4. Traders joes, world market or total wine!!

  5. we JUST got rid of our blue laws in november...sometimes, i buy wine or beer or sunday just because i can!!

  6. Want some mad time with the wine!!!!!!!!!!!

