Monday, February 4, 2013

Pick My Wedding Shoes, Okay?

So, I have scoured the whole internet.  Ordered designer shoes on sale.  Returned designer shoes because they were too tall.

Apparently, cobalt blue satin shoes are hard to find.

Comfortable, non-cheap, non-expensive, blue satin wedding shoes.

It is the holy grail.

And I give up.

So, I'm having a pair of shoes made.  There are shoes that can be literally custom made, ones that have custom ornaments and embellishment, and then the ones that are mostly made and you just dye them.

The custom ones... too many options.  I wish I had done this a year ago when I was more enthused with decision-making.  I'm leaning towards a pre-made option.

There are 4 shades of blue to choose from, but that's a whole different problem.

So, I'm not 100% in love with all of these shoes, but I do like them all.  I think, in blue, some of them could be perfect.

They are all about 3.25 inches.  (#1 is 4" but has a platform.)

I know they are kinda crappy quality photos, but that's all there is on the site. 

Pick a shoe, any shoe. 

Also, in YOUR experience, is a slingback more comfortable than a whole-backed-shoe?  I think so, but maybe I'm wrong.  I think a whole-back-shoe has to be broken in a bit more.

Pick my shoes.  Please and thank you.


  1. 1. I personally love a platform slingback, find them to be the most comfy.

  2. I like #4.

    And in my experience (4 yrs working as an assistant wedding coordinator) a full back heel is going to be better. The sling back tends to dig in an brides are barefoot in no time!

  3. # 4 definitely. I share your pain in the search for the perfect blue satin wedding shoes- I got married three years ago and desperately searched for a pair of blue satin shoes that wouldn't break the bank and finally gave up. Probably the only wedding planning decision I regret. My husband is military and wore dress blues for our wedding and I thought blue shoes would've made the perfect "something blue", plus would've given me one little "matching" element to tie us together. Anyway- sadly, it didn't work out, but lucky for you it seems like there are a lot more blue shoe options available now- don't give up!

  4. I def think sling back is less comfy, it could dig in more. This was my wedding shoe

    So comfy I didn't realize notice they were on for 12+ hours! I didn't break them in or anything. And they were so great I bought them in black for fancy occasions. Def recommend Nina brand.

  5. love #4! i was on the hunt for blue shoes until i fell in love with pink shoes.

    and then fell in love with THESE. and bought them in royal blue, and rocked them to a shower and my rehearsal dinner. they are SO comfy, and dyeable if you want yet another option =)

  6. I say #4. I think those will be the most comfortable. Plus, I think they look classy and elegant with just a little bit of bling!

  7. You're going to have to break them in regardless. I think #4 looks the most comfy and would be pretty in the color, IMHO.

  8. My vote would be for No. 4 or No. 1, but I think 4 wins out overall!

  9. #4 in Cobalt would be heavenly! I personally hate sling backs; I find myself having to pull them up all the with a full back, you can put in comfort thingies so they're easier on your heels. Keep us posted on your decision- happy wedding planning!

  10. #4 looks a touch classier and more expensive than the others to me, at least in the picture.

  11. I say #4! I love peeptoe shoes. While I think slingbacks are pretty I feel like they dig into the back of my foot too much. I walk better in full backs.

  12. I wore #4 in red as a bridesmail recently. Having the platform helped quite a bit they were very comfy and I had to buy them a half size too small since thats all that was left.

  13. Not just is the material from the shoes a reflection of the personality, but they must match the type of the wedding shoes in store in store.
