Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wedding Wednesday: Save-the-Dates

I know several people getting married in June (shout out to Tess!), and the minute I got a June Save-the-Date in the mail, I knew the countdown was on before I had to send save-the-dates.

You see, I think that an effective way to wedding-plan is to just do what your friends are doing within 3 months of them completing the task.  Saves SO much time and energy.

I got a June Save-the-Date in December, so while my time is not exactly up yet.... I am ready to cross this task off the list.

I went to approximately 2343 different websites and while I found a lot of cute designs, I was lukewarm about most of them. 

Luckily, within the same week I got an email from the Wedding Paper DivasCan you hear the angels singing?! 

I have to say, once you plug in your own info... the site makes every design for you if you click on it.  Dude, lifesaver.

So, while I am a little bummed that we don't have professional pictures ready for the Save-the-Dates... the designs are cute enough that I'm really thrilled with all of the designs.

Of course... the problem with so many selections is - I have no clue what I want!

I love #1, but I have been afraid of hearts ever since someone made fun of my over-use of hearts on one of my (ok, all) of my folders in high school.

#2 isn't realistic with the photo we're using... but let's just say it was!  Cute, right?  (Last night before bed, I texted Mr. RH and asked his favorite.  Of COURSE he replied #2.  I'm all... "BUT IT DOESN'T EVEN WORK WITH OUR PHOTO."  His reply?  "You are obsessing way too much."   Jerk!)

I like how modern #3 is, and I love how bold the date is.  I like the blue, too.  It feels really un-fussy.

#4 is so pretty and dainty.  It's probably a wee bit feminine, but I would counter that weddings are a wee bit feminine. 

Something about #5 just screams "fall wedding" to me - love the pink and orange petals, even though there will probably be no pink or orange in our wedding. Maybe some orange flowers.

I thought I liked #6, but now that I've lined them up I think it's too fussy.  Also, I wish I had switched that teal to a blue or navy color.  

Mr. RH is a fan of yellow, so #8 was my attempt at "doing yellow."  I think it'd be much cuter with a different picture... although it's kinda growing on me.

Do you like how I accidentally switched the location of 7 and 8?  They are totally in the wrong spot.  Duh, I am a genius.

I was going to fix it, but mistakes give my blog character.  RIGHT?!

And last but not least, #7.  Sometimes Mr. RH may make the accusation that I eat boring for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  As long as he doesn't start calling me Sarah Plain and Tall.  Anyways, I think this one is a little boring, but I really like it.

So, got any favorites?   I can't decide if I should put my top picks on here.... don't want to sway the voting public.  If I had to pick one from each group, I'd pick 1, 3, 5, 7.  Which is weird because I prefer even numbers.  Doesn't everyone?

This is the part where you pick your favorite.  Lay it on me!

Happy Wedding Wednesday!  


  1. 3! It works well with the photo, and is simple and clean.

    After that, second choice is 7.

    While I love the "fall" feel of 5...if they aren't really your colors, then don't get it just because it has a fall-feel to it.

  2. definitely #3! esp if you're using blue in your wedding

  3. I really love number 3! It's so pretty and simple and goes perfectly with your picture. I love how the date is nice and big. It'll be perfect hanging on someone's fridge.

  4. I love 1 or 8! You can't go wrong with any of them though. :)

  5. I love #3 - the only thing that would make me love it more is if I could see your ring in the pic.

  6. 5 was my first favorite but now I'm really digging 3. (I can't believe I just said the word digging. It's early. I need coffee.)

  7. I like #3! But with a different picture I think #2 could be a winner too!

  8. I love #2! A close runner up is #3, though!

  9. I love #3!!! Btw, cute pic of you guys!!!

  10. I like them in this order 3, 1, and 7. Good luck!

  11. DUDE, now you are really playing with me! I thought I had my mind made up about our STD! ;)

    Now, I have to say, I like #3 the best.

    Simple, good colors, works with your picture, classic.

  12. 3!!!!!!!
    It looked effortless and worked so well with the picture! And you love blue, it is perfect.

  13. 3 is my top choice, then 7!

    I got a June save the date last month too so get on this girl! lol

  14. In order of preference - 2, 5, 1.
    If there's once time in your life that you can pull of hearts without comments from the peanut gallery, it's gotta be your wedding, right?!
    ps. super cute pic, regardless of your final choice.

  15. Yay -- save-the-dates! :) I just got the second batch of ours in the mail yesterday and am so relieved. But now people are looking at our wedding website... and I realized I need to update LOTS of stuff on it. Eek!

    Anyway, I'm a big fan of No. 3! I think you have enough surrounding space in your photo that it works really well, and it feels very clean and modern :) My next favorite is probably 8.

  16. 3 for sure. Works bet with the photo and looks fab. :)

  17. #3, although they are all really cute.

  18. 3 and 7! so fun - thanks for sharing your wedding process with us readers :)

  19. I like 1, 3, and 8. So many great choices!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I vote #1 or #2!
    Can't wait to see what you decide! :-)

  22. #3 is my first choice and then #7. I like simple. And I like blue.

  23. 3 is my favorite! It's simple and clean, while still being cute.

  24. I love 1 + 3 the best. We are getting married 9/28 and used a customized postcard from Zazzle. We got engaged at Central Park so I used one from there and added our picture. Don't stress - any of the ones you have to pick from are great!

  25. #3 and may steal the design for my Save the Dates!
