Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Rolling the Vehicular Dice

So, I have a new problem in my life.  You see, there are 221 days until my wedding and I would say that I am the opposite of "in shape."  Therefore, I have pulled out my old friend Jillian Michaels and her 30 Day Shred... I hate it.

So, while I've been doing well with the working out - it SERIOUSLY compromises my motivation to blog.  Which sucks, because even though my blog has become useless wedding trivia.... I've been really into it lately!

So, please forgive me as I try to get back into the groove.  It's hard!


So, on Friday, I'm jetting off to Pennsylvania.  I get to go meet sweet baby Ruth, baby girl of my college roommate. 

I'm so excited I can't even tell you.


My car, Miss Daisy, is 6 years old this year.  We had a pesky little issue with a nail in her tire, once upon a time, but otherwise, she's the most perfect, healthy 6 year old baby Jetta I've ever had.  (And also the only one).

I just rolled over 60k miles, and I kept feeling like I should send Daisy for a checkup.  I called the dealership and they told me that a standard checkup - not including any repairs that might need to happen - was $400. 

And then I passed out cold.

Apparently the joys of vehicle ownership have not yet fully sunk into my head yet.

My dad has decided it would be smartest to rent a car to drive from Indy to Pennsylvania, thus resulting in a much smaller chance of him having to drive to Ohio and pick up a few former college roomies.

I have decided that costs too much money and we should just take our chances of Daisy becoming a traitor midway through the Ohio tollroad.

Anybody ever been on a road trip and had car problems?  It's my nightmare.

Anybody want to pack my bags?  I'm sure I only need like 18 outfits for a three-day weekend.

Happy Tuesday.


  1. I have an '03 Audi that has made many long trips! Probably 10 trips back and forth from Pennsylvania to Kentucky and 3 trips from Texas to Kentucky! Thankfully I've never had a problem but I always take my car in to get checked before going on a long trip.

  2. at 60k miles I SO wouldn't worry about an issue if you haven't thus far. Do you have triple AAA? It's worth having just for piece of mind.

    We used to drive our 19 year old Camry from NH to Florida a couple times a year. I swear car issues usually happen like 30 miles from home.

    If you can't swing a full tune up right now how about an oil change they usually go over most it when you get one so they could catch that stuff and at a reasonable $30ish bucks

  3. Cars suck, but Volkswagons are the best. I drive one too!! TWINS.

    Also - are you kidding me about you not being in shape??? GIRL, you look friggen fantastic.

  4. 6 years and 60k miles is really NOT that bad for a car. I think she would make it fine. Maybe just get an oil change beforehand?

    I drive a VW, as does my husband and we have never had a major issue. They are great cars!

  5. My car is 6 also, and has 147K miles--never had a problem on a road trip. Your car will be fine. Mine is a Honda Civic, but VWs are great cars. Good luck!
