Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Sweet Valentine

You know, I sometimes worry that Mr. RH and I (mostly I, to be honest) are becoming an old couple before our time.  On our second Valentine's Day together, we have no plans. 

No gifts to be exchanged, nothing much out of an ordinary day.

However, unlike last year, SOMEONE will probably remember to get me a card for said Valentine's Day.  Because honestly, if there is ONE holiday that necessitates a greeting card - this is probably it.

And that's a good thing, right, Mr. RH?

Isn't it funny, the things that stick out in your memory?  It never even occurred to me that Mr. RH would need guidance that Valentine's Day necessitates the giving of  a card. 

I spent many a moment in every store in a 5 mile radius selecting the perfect card.  As usual, I think I nailed it.


I don't make New Year's Resolutions, but I'd like to make a Valentine's Day resolution - take more pictures with everyone.  I hate looking for a picture only to find the most recent picture I have of someone is months and months old.

As I mentioned, I'm playing it pretty low-key this year with my Valentine.  Hot lunch date, then off to work... then up at the crack of dawn to head to Pennsylvania to squeeze some babies.

Happy Valentine's Day, my loves.  Hope you get to squeeze some people you love today, be it friends or loves or babies (lucky ducks!).



  1. You are a very wise teacher. Mr. RH is so lucky to have you.

    and I want your jaw bone.

  2. You are a very wise teacher. Mr. RH is so lucky to have you.

    and I want your jaw bone.

  3. after 6 years together, and 3 1/2 of them married...i have finally trained the hubs that i MUST get a card for valentine's day, my birthday and our anniversary. and he can't just sign them "love, hubs", he has to write something nice...and i do the same =)

    i love thinking about our grandkids looking at them one day.
