Monday, February 18, 2013

Left My Heart in Pennsylvania

As I mentioned last week, I traveled many hours to Pennsylvania this weekend to visit the sweet baby of my college roommate (the first of three incoming deliveries among my group of friends).

You guys. 

She is so, so perfect.  I think I have much, MUCH more to say on the subject... but I will leave it at this today: babies are literally the best thing in the whole world.

Especially when they are my friends' babies so I can maintain my sweet, swinging single lifestyle.  :)

Happy Monday, don't work too hard!


  1. You look good with a baby in your arms. Just saying. ;)

  2. Haha, totally know what you mean. Babies are wonderful until they're crying and crapping in your arms 24/7.

  3. Pardon me as I run along because my uterus is hurting!!

  4. What a gorgeous photo. I love babies, but I do love that I can hand them over when they get fussy ;)

  5. Adorable! I love being with babies but handing them off to mom or dad when they cry might the best thing ever.

  6. This is just the sweetest picture! You look gorgeous, btw.
