Thursday, September 6, 2012

LOST: My Mojo

Why hello there, I dropped off the planet.  Makes no sense, honestly, because as the tweets point out, there is a WEALTH of wedding-palooza related things I could talk about.

I could blame it on work (swamped, exhausted there) but it's been going fairly well.  When I'm there, I go 24/7 without stopping.  By the time I get home, I've got a sick Mr. RH and myself and we've made a fairly pathetic duo as of late.

Our Hunger Games DVD date has been postponed twice due to goodness knows what.  Our last two hot dates have been grocery shopping... which is quite exciting when you're shopping for two different households.  (OMG, I sound lame even to me.)

So, I think we need to cut off this blogger's block right here and end this post.  Remember when I begged y'all for help in dressing myself

Turns out that I wasn't even on the right page with my options... lo and behold, a $20 impulse buy at became quite chic with the right magical accessories.

My coworker and I were dates and we had a blast at the outdoor wedding.  So  much, in fact, that it's given me quite the pause in my big-Catholic-wedding plans.

If only for a second.

Anyway, maybe I'll find my way out of this funk soon.  If not... send booze and wedding magazines. 


  1. You look great in that pic! Somehow I realized on Twitter the other day that I had missed your engagement news too so BIG CONGRATS to you on that!! When's the date? We are doing April 27th! It's so exciting!

  2. Red is seriously your color.

    Do you know how much fun we would have together with a pile of wedding magazines and a few bottles of wine? WHY DONT YOU LIVE IN CALI?

  3. I agree with Tess. Red is your color... I know you will find your mojo soon. When did you see it last? xoxo

  4. girl, you are WORKING IT in that red!!

    and mojo-loss is an epidemic, i'm feeling it too!
