Thursday, August 30, 2012

Post-Engagement Surprise

I'm pretty sure I promised you a few more engagement madness photos.  And then I dropped off the planet like all the awesome bloggers cause that's how I roll.

So, we got engaged at Buckingham Fountain.  Late at night.  Walked about a mile (in wedges!  in the dark!) to get to the hotel.  Passed out immediately (after staring at the ring for an hour, duh, don't be foolish).

As for the big tah-dah, Mr. RH had something else up his sleeve.  The next night, we actually made dinner reservations with two of my best college friends.  We got to dinner early and I was panicked - how could I tell them casually and yet awesome-ly?!

We sat at the bar waiting for my friends to arrive - and one of them did.  I had stashed the ring safely in Mr. RH's pocket for more excitement.  As soon as she walked in, her eyes went to my hand.  We barely made eye contact as we all hugged.

So she makes small talk.  Blah blah blah.  Mr. RH walks away to ask the hostess a question... and she whisper-yells "omg, are you engaged?  is it going to happen tonight?  what is going on?"  And, like the cat that ate the canary, I spill immediately. 

We had a little fun putting the ring on my friend's hand to see the 2nd friend's reaction.  It was hilarious. 

After dinner, Mr. RH had cooked up a little surprise ahead of time: a carriage ride around Chicago.


We showed up near the Hancock tower and there was a carriage waiting for the two of us.  Noodles the horse brought me roses. 

At first, I was a little embarrassed.  I mean, who rides a carriage around the busy streets of Chicago?  On a Thursday night?! 

We do.

(Thank you, Chicago bus for completing the only non-blurry picture of the two of us from the ride!)

We went all up and down Michigan Avenue.  Past Buckingham Fountain (good memories!), over the river, through the woods, etc etc etc.

After I got over my fear of getting run over by a bus and/or of having the wooden cart come apart... it was really fun.  It's weird because I don't remember talking to Mr. RH all that much... we mostly just held hands and enjoyed the beautiful night.  

(Just Me and Noodles the Horse.  Don't mind my cheesing-neck... Noodles was trying to eat my flowers and dude, horses are LARGE.) 

I'm sorry if some of these details are boring... it's just that I've already forgotten so much in 2 weeks and I can't bear to let any more of the details slip away.

There was one interesting moment on our ride though.  We were down south on Michigan Avenue by Buckingham Fountain.  Stopped at a red light.  A little SUV pulls up next to us with a pit bull in the back seat.  He is instantly interested in the situation and Noodles is distinctly uninterested and JUMPS (ok, more of a hop, but honestly, might as well have been the high jump) a foot to the right.  

I grab Mr. RH's hand/entire body and hold on for dear life.  Thankfully the driver of the car shut the car (on the poor dog's face.... but he was kind of being an ass and deserved it and moved before he was hurt, obviously). 

Fortunately, nobody was killed this night on a evening carriage ride through Chicago.  

I'd never been on a carriage ride before, let alone through Chicago, so all in all I'd say it was a pretty fantastic way to celebrate our engagement. 

And plus, the roses that Noodles brought were pretty darn gorgeous.  If I do say so myself....

Nobody's even reading the words any more so I'm just gonna call it quits here.

Have a fantastic weekend!!  Be grateful you are not stuck at work like I am!


  1. Congratulations!! Your ring is amazing!! Can't wait to read about your wedding plans!

  2. OMG that is one stunning ring photo. And that was so not a boring post. That was a precious surprise for you!

  3. The cut of your ring is amazing. Love it!

  4. Oh my, that picture of your ring in the flowers is amazing! He done good!

  5. what a great story!! and noodles has good taste =)

  6. what a beautiful story and a beautiful ring!

  7. He's SO cute! So glad that you have found someone so amazing! You deserve it completely. I have to ask... did you know it was coming at all? Like a spidey-sense or something or were you completely taken by surprise??

  8. I just got engaged in Central Park so I have extra special love for your post. The pic of your ring is gorgeous. - congrats!!!

  9. Your ring is GORGEOUS!!!! And how did you keep quiet for two weeks??

  10. Amazing! So happy for you, he did a great job!

  11. What a gorgeous ring! Love that last picture. Congrats again!

  12. i was going to say something but then i saw the pic of the ring and i can't remember what i was going to say! that is literally the most gorgeous ring i've seen!!

  13. That is one heck of a ring! Congrats.

  14. Okay. I saw your post from today and had to come back to find the story. CONGRATS!!!! I'm so happy for you. The ring is gorgeous!!! I so can't wait to read all about your wedding planning and see photos of the big day. Heck...who am I kidding. Send me an invite. :)

