Wednesday, March 21, 2012

80 Degrees. In Chicago. In March.

Last week, Mr. RH and I took a couple of days to escape daily life and drive up to Chicago.

I had spent the weeks before the trip thinking about jackets and layering and leggings... but in the end I really should have through about bikinis.

This weather is trippy.

Anyways, I booked a hotel on Hotwire, which, for those of you who don't know, gives you a neighborhood and a star level of a hotel and tells you the name of the hotel AFTER you book.  Right after I booked, I read the reviews of this hotel and it was Not Good.

To say I was nervous/upset was an understatement.

And then we checked into the hotel.  Umm, perfection!  I have no clue what the heck the reviews were whining about.  In fact, the hotel was pretty awesome.  And did I mention the sweet view?


Gorgeous view of Navy Pier at night... from our hotel window.

While in Chicago, all we did was wander around the city... slowly peeling the skin from my feet until I was walking on a giant blister.  You're welcome for that visual.

I also discovered my new favorite outfit.  Remember the maxi dress from my Target post??   I love it so much I wore it... twice.

I did have the red belt on but it ended up being so tight that I couldn't eat my junk food properly.  Priorities, people.

Speaking of junk food, I finally got to try out the breakfast place Yolk.  Every other weekend I've spent in town, the place is packed.  Thankfully, a Thursday morning was a perfect morning to try red velvet french toast. 

Did I mention that there is cream cheese FROSTING inside the french toast/cake?  Holy cow, no matter how much delicious food I eat today I will never, ever be satisfied.


So, that's what I've been up to.  How's it going in your neck of the woods?


  1. That dress looked good! Same with the food.....yum. Mr RH didn't looked too bad either. ;)

  2. That view is amazing!!! I bought that dress (a size up to accommodate my bump!) and love it!

  3. I hate it when you decide to put a belt on an outfit and it gets in the way of your eating, not cool.

  4. You two are seriously the CUTEST couple! You have to get married and have babies. I love the dress, I love the french toast OMG....and looks like an amazing time. I've never been to Chicago :P

  5. Y'all are such a pretty couple, like magazine pretty. Does that make sense? ha!

  6. Soooo glad the hotel was great. I've always been too hesitant to book on Hotwire. I'm intrigued now.

  7. How fun! I love Chicago, and sometimes a weekend away is all you need to relax and get away from the stress of daily life, as you say. My boyfriend and I are going to a bed and breakfast about two hours away this weekend to celebrate our anniversary -- I just want to wander around the shops, take pictures and eat! :) Haha. Of course, that's how I am on any given day...

  8. Loved the cute dress, and the breakfast looked delish!! So glad you all had a great weekend!

  9. Ahhh... can't believe your view! I need to email you about your breakfast location too! LOL... sending email now...

  10. Sounds like a great trip!

    You two are going to make such gorgeous little babies one day. :)

  11. Love that Maxi dress! I may have to order one...

  12. My husband and I moved into an apartment right across the street from Yolk six months ago. It has not been doing kind things to my waist line. The next weekend you're in town, don't let the crowds fool you. It may look packed, but often the wait isn't too bad.
