Monday, April 2, 2012


So it's been 12 days since I've posted here, and I'm gonna be honest - it feels like a lot longer.

I've missed this blog and I've missed all of you.  There's something about a daily blog "conversation" that tweeting and facebook and life just can't substitute.

Since I last posted here I've:

  • Helped Mr. RH move into a new apartment.
  • Gone on a major crafting spree.
  • Had my first weekend off work since February 5th.
  • Got to see Mr. RH's family for an evening (which I haven't done since CHRISTMAS).
  • Spring has sprung in Indiana which has me making big plans for my flower pots. 
  • Notice I said plans and not actual planting.  That would require a big shopping trip to Lowes.
  • Returned a jacket from Express.  Then bought it a week later in a bigger size.  That I now want to return.
  • Baked delicious lemon bars.  Zomg.
  • Started "running" again, complete with lots of shiny new workout gear and motivation.
  • Missed Dance Marathon at my alma mater.  They raised over $80k which totally blew me away.  And made me cry.
  • Drained my kindle fire battery several times lately reading All The Books.  I love reading, especially when it's warm and drowsy and nice.
So... I've missed you all.  What have you been up to?


  1. Missed you too! Don't wait so long next time woman!

  2. You've been busy, your shopping habits sound very similar to mine.

  3. I need to know what you have been reading! I'm finishing up Mockingjay for the second time and will need something new soon.

  4. We have been missing you! :-) I've been in gardening mode too - just built our raised bed in the backyard, so now I have to get to blogging about it!
